Categories: Beauty

Should You Lighten Your Hair?

Are you considering lightening your hair? The decision to change you hair color is a significant one. There’s very little that will change your look more dramatically than altering the color of your hair. Why do so many women decide to take this important step? Sometimes it’s an attempt to cover gray hairs that motivates a woman to buy a bottle of hair color while other times it has more to do with a need for change and a sense of boredom with their current hairstyle and color. If you’re considering the prospect of lightening your hair, it’s important to make this decision carefully as it can be a life changing experience. Here are some of the pros and cons to consider before you lighten your hair.

Lightened hair requires upkeep.

If the only upkeep you’ve ever had to do with your hair is to wash it and head out the door, you may find maintaining lighter hair to be too time intensive. Depending upon how light you go, the roots can become noticeable in as little as a few weeks. This means booking another salon appointment or planning several hours of time to do it yourself. This can be an inconvenience if you’re a busy person on the go. If you have little time for upkeep but you’d still like to lighten your hair, consider going only a shade or two lighter. Your roots will be less noticeable and you won’t have to re-color your hair as often.

It can be expensive.

Unless you plan on lightening your own hair and doing all the touchups, plan on allocating as much as eighty to ninety dollars a month for salon visits to cover your roots. Again, if you only go a shade or two lighter, you won’t have to visit the salon as often which can save you money. No one ever said coloring your hair was going to be inexpensive.

It can change the type of makeup you wear.

When you lighten your hair, you may notice that your old makeup colors are no longer flattering. This means you’ll have to rediscover the shades that are most flattering with your new hair color. Your eyebrows can also look too harsh with your lighter hair color which can necessitate changes in your eyebrow color, further complicating your life.

It can make you look younger.

On the positive side, when you lighten your hair several shades, it can take years off of your face. In general, as you grow older, lighter hair colors are more flattering, while darker shades can look harsh, accentuating every line on your face. At the other end of the spectrum, if you deviate too far from your natural color, it can also age you. Lightening your hair one to two shades is usually right for most women.

It can give you renewed confidence.

Not only can a change in hair color relieve boredom, it can also add a much needed self confidence boost. Wearing a lighter, more flattering, hair color can make you feel more stylish, not to mention younger. Just make sure the color you choose truly is flattering since it can be costly to correct a bad hair color.

Should you lighten your hair? Weight the pros and cons carefully before making your decision. Sometimes it can be just the change you need in your life.

Karla News

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