Categories: Education

Should I Take the AP Calculus (AB) Class?

A special note about this before we begin: this is only for the AP Calculus (AB) class because this is what i took I know that for the (BC) exam you need to know more methods of integration and how to do certain types of sequences and series.

Thinking about taking AP Calculus? Can’t make that huge decision? Then you are in the same exact spot I was a little over a year ago. I was in my college algebra and trigonometry class wondering do I really want to do this again next year. I didn’t have to take any more math to graduate. Well here are a few things I did and did not know before finally deciding on taking it. Also, I have included some questions you should ask yourself.

AP Calculus really boils down to two things: Differentiation and Integration. Integration has more types but really only has two or three methods on the exam. Differentiation has no methods just rules. None of these are particularly difficult. There are a few different theorems and formulas you need to know. And remember that table from trig? The one you thought you’d never need to know again, well in calculus you will need to know this and need to know how to go between degrees and radians because all of calculus is in radians. As long as you do your homework and pay attention in class AP Calculus is not hard. I went from getting B’s in my college algebra and trigonometry class to A’s in AP Calculus. This was simply because I went from not doing my homework to doing it. You will need to make sure you do your homework even if you did not do it in the past. At this point you may be saying well math must be easy for you because you get A’s in calculus and B’s without doing your homework. Which is true math has come easy for me. However if you understand algebra and know your table from trigonometry you can do calculus. There is not much new except integration and differentiation. If you do not understand algebra you should take a step back and take the next available algebra class or retake the last one because if you do not understand this you should not take calculus. You only need a three to get credit for the class. Most colleges will take a three for credits in college. A four or five will more than likely get you specific math credits. Now we will move on to the questions.

Are you going to college?

If the answer is yes then you should seriously consider taking AP Calculus. For me if I end up with a 4 or 5 I do not have to take a math class until next year. I skip out of all the freshmen level math classes. For many people this means no math in college at all. Even if you do not go to college this would be an excellent choice to take simply because it gives you that background if you ever need it in the future or decide to go to college later in life.

Are you told math comes easy for you or are on the advanced track at your school?

Then you should definitely consider taking it. If you are advanced in math it usually means it comes easy for you and it would only be to your advantage to take the class. Just remember to do your homework.

Think you can learn two more math concepts?

If your answer is yes then you should definitely take this class. If it is no because you do not think that math classes are worth the effort suck it up and take it anyways.

Got your algebra skills down pat?

If you answered yes to this then you should be taking calculus next year. If you answered no this is probably the only reason you should not be taking calculus.

Why not?

If you do not have a legitimately good reason to not take it then: why not? It will only be to your advantage. You will seem smart because you are in calculus and what more? It’s AP which must be very difficult and you must be very smart. Obviously a magnet for the opposite gender.

So remember take calculus its good for you and that the key to social success according to my math teacher is, sin^2(x)+cos^2(x)=1. Have fun and good luck.

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