Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Shopping Site Review: Is Really “Free”?

The answer to that question depends on how you define “free.” When the cost of shipping and handling is worth more than the product, is it really free? is one web site that will send you “free” jewelry, for a price. But is it worth it?

What is

Sites like and have found a winning formula. Offer “free” jewelry for a set amount of time, rotate the merchandise a couple of times a day, and charge for shipping and handling.

Many returning customers are addicted to these sites, and they can’t wait to see the silver jewelry pieces that will be offered next.

Is It Really Free?

I am a skeptic at heart. I believe the saying that “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.”

I figured that the jewelry was probably worth less than the shipping. In my case, I proved to be right, especially since the silver earrings were defective, with obvious flaws on the jewelry.

The Shipping Price

I suspect that these sites must be making money, and just like the book clubs and CD clubs that used to be more popular, the profit comes from the exorbitant shipping and handling charge. Add the fact that the price of silver has been hovered under $14 per ounce, and silver can be profitable business venture.

What follows is my experience with Some people love these sites and recommend them highly. But because this company has ignored my inquiries about the defective jewelry, despite their “guarantee” I cannot recommend them as a good consumer choice.

Before receiving the earrings from I figured that they made their money from the shipping costs.

When I received the very light envelope, I noticed that someone had actually taken the time to use a permanent marker to cross out the shipping price.

A quick trip to the local U.S.P.S. revealed that the cost of shipping from zip code 90017-2904 to my zip code was $.80.

The Packaging

I have read rave reviews about the packaging of free silver jewelry from

I was not impressed with the silver lame bag the earrings came in. Others have said it makes a good gift bag, but it is not my taste. It doesn’t matter because when I untied the bag, the string came off. I don’t think it’s worth trying to re-thread.

The Poor Quality

At first the earrings looked okay. With the price of silver being so low I am convinced that these earrings are not worth the $30+ that the site claimed.

On closer inspection, I noticed a flaw in one of the circles. The earrings have silver circles hanging off of them. On one of the circles is an obvious flaw. It looks like something that happened during the manufacturing process.

This is definitely not what I was expecting. I dashed off a quick email to

“Hello. Thank you for sending my earrings so quickly. BUT there is a problem. There is a flaw on one of the dangling circles. This earring looks like a “second.” Is it supposed to be or did I just get a bad earring? I cannot give this as a gift now with that flaw. Please advise. Thank you. Pam Gaulin.” I included my email address.

According to the web site:

“What is the guarantee on the jewelry?
We at guarantee pure sterling silver on all our jewelry. We are confident that all our customers will be satisfied.” (

I was expecting a satisfactory response. Or an automated response. Instead, nothing.

Then I set a second request:

“SECOND Request 10/9/07

SECOND REQUEST: Hello. One of the earrings you sent me is flawed. I am displeased and not satisfied. How will fix this? Thank you.”

Okay, as of October 12, 2007 I still have received no response to my first two inquiries about the flawed jewelry. It’s time for a new approach.

I sent off a third response, and I still have not received any response from


If you don’t mind risking the price of the shipping for what could be unsatisfactory or even defective jewelry, then go ahead and pay the shipping charge and hope for the best. As long as you are satisfied with the quality of the product, you may be happy to pay $6.95 for the jewelry.

If you want to deal with a company that really does stand up to their guarantee, then avoid If you are unhappy with the quality of the product, you will be left holding the envelope, and wondering what to do with the poor quality of “free” jewelry for which you paid $6.95.


Karla News

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