Selling Firewood: Some Side Money and Free Home Heating

Buying firewood to heat your home throughout the winter can be more costly than using propane or electric heat. Additionally, the soot from the smoke and the mess in the yard are definite drawbacks. Yet, every winter many decide to use firewood because of its unparalleled ability to heat a home. There is nothing that can compare to a crackling fire in a fireplace or the heat that emanates throughout the home from a blistering wood stove.

If you enjoy getting outside and cutting the wood yourself, you might consider selling firewood as a way to defer the cost and actually turn a profit. All that is needed is an axe or maul, a chain saw, and a source of wood. I will show you exactly how I did it with very little money, and began making money almost instantly.

Going out and locating wood is the biggest obstacle by far. But, there are a few tricks to locating it quickly. Scout under power lines along highways, where power companies have cut trees. There are usually logs strewed alongside the wood line. Find out who the owner of the property is and ask them if you can have it. They oftentimes are glad that you will haul it off.

Look for areas that have been logged. At every logging site, there is a “cut-off pile”, or a pile of wood where the machines have snipped the ends of the logs to load them onto the trucks. I have found gold mines of good wood this way. The owners of the property are more than willing to have someone come and cut it up and move it. It is an eyesore and many times is burned off. Also, “laps” are left of trees that have been cut, and are lying in open view. They have much good wood left on them.

Call tree companies and ask if anyone picks up the wood from the trees they cut. Some companies offer discounts for leaving the wood in the customer’s yard. So, having someone to come and get it is very useful. Also, keep an eye out for freshly cut trees and ask the owners if they need help getting rid of the wood. I have personally gone so far as to knocking on doors and asking if I can cut down a dead tree in their yard for free, just to get the wood.

So now you have a steady supply of wood. Be sure to have it cut to length- generally 12 to 15 inches- and split the pieces smaller than 6 inches in diameter. Pile it up in the sun and in plain view of people who pass by. Don’t bother stacking it neatly: it is a waste of time. The most important thing is visibility and having the right size.

Make a sign or two and place it by the road. Put a phone number and offer delivery. Be prepared for people to pull in and want small amounts for a night or two. Decide on what to charge by calling other sellers or reading the paper. Place an ad yourself if you feel that your profit can exceed the cost. When people call, tell them what sizes you offer and what kind of wood it is. Don’t sell poplar or pine, or any other evergreen for that matter. Tell them if your wood is seasoned or not. Some people like a 50/50 mix of green and seasoned wood. Charge a little extra for delivery. It is a good idea to have an answering machine with a message on it pertaining to the firewood sales.

If you’re a one-man operation, don’t bother getting a splitter. It’s too much trouble and a splitter requires at least two people to operate efficiently. Splitting by hand is hard work, but it is also good exercise. Having a trailer is very handy and will save on wear and tear of your truck.

What I’ve found is that I end up with prime firewood for my own home each year that I sell firewood, and the profits made more than pay for the equipment and time spent. It is a labor of love, and not for everyone. It is dirty work and it is hard work. But, the rewards are many and varied. You might even grow into cutting trees for money and using the wood for firewood during the winter, as I have done.

Karla News

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