Categories: Books

SELF Magazine VS. Glamour Magazine

As little time as I have to sit down and read, I still like to have a magazine handy to flip through on the down-time I give myself. One-year subscriptions last me two to three years since I don’t get to them often. Even though they become a little outdated, they still contain some of the basic information and tips that I look for in my personal and home life.

A couple of magazines I’ve gone through recently are Glamour and SELF. Although I enjoyed them both, I found one of them to contain more of what I look for in my reading material.

Glamour magazine was founded in 1939 in the U.S. It’s a larger format magazine than some of the other women’s magazines. Much of the extra pages are filled with advertisements. One in particular stood out to me and that was the ad for cigarettes that use mocha, berry, and mint ‘flavors’ as enticing and inviting benefits to the smoker. After all these years of knowing what the smoking habit leaves you with, and do I really need to list the illnesses, I am disappointed that anyone still thinks that it’s a good idea to sell and use cigarettes. Do cigarettes flavored with nice things make you smell better when you die?

Glamour magazine focuses a lot on erotic and sexy things. This is not a bad thing, because we as women all like to feel sexy. Many of the pages of Glamour are colorful, lively, and fun. Their fashion pages are exquisite. I love the femininity in the fashions where women are still women and not women trying to act like men.

There are interesting real-life stories from real women who have real experiences that others can relate to. As a whole, though, this magazine’s theme is external beauty. I don’t care for an entire year of magazines focusing on mostly cosmetic issues. This, for me, is shallow. I will still occasionally enjoy paging through a Glamour magazine but have no need for it month after month.

SELF Magazine, on the other hand, sheds light on the woman as a whole. It focuses on life style and has a very sophisticated aire to it. It encourages fitness and health. I love the recipes and the general articles about feeling good about yourself.

The advertisements hone in on habits that help to create well-being and longevity in life. SELF is great for giving away fabulous gifts to its readers. I won a Hamilton Beach grill! This is a wonderful way to cook healthfully. This occasional gift-giving is also a good way for SELF to keep readers coming back for more!

They want women to stay accountable to themselves in every aspect of our lives. Articles aren’t just about looking good and striving to look like a super model. Instead they are about staying fit and feeling good.

It is important to note that they have environmental concerns. Since our environment has everything to do with our emotional and physical selves, SELF takes an active role in keeping us informed of environmental issues. Instead of just talking about it, they also get involved in it and inspire us to do the same.

They act as a friend who helps keep you on track in your goals of eating well and staying active. Online participation in tracking foods you consume can help you figure out whether or not you are eating too many empty calories. Online charts help you monitor your exercise habits. There’s never a need to become obsessed, only to stay aware. We become so distracted with unimportant things that sometimes we forget about key aspects to optimal living. All of the tips and guides help you to get and stay on track.

I would recommend SELF magazine to any woman who wants to be well and live well. Some magazines write about how to please “your man”, but let me tell you, until you are happy with who you are, you aren’t going to have great relationships with others. Reading SELF is a less expensive therapist and helps to give you the ability to become self-confident and live a robust life.


Karla News

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