Categories: Beauty

Secret Platinum Soft Solid Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant – From A Man’s Point of View

Finding a good deodorant is not an easy task. Many deodorants are either too sticky, wear off too fast, or cause a rash. As someone with relatively sensitive skin, I have struggled for a long time to find a deodorant that meets all my criteria for a good deodorant. I believe that I have found a nearly perfect deodorant and anti-perspirant in the Secret brand Platinum Soft Solid series of deodorants. Secret is traditionally viewed as a women’s deodorant, and it is my wife who originally suggested that I give the Secret Platinum Soft Solid deodorant a try. I was skeptical since I have been conditioned to believe that only the more masculine deodorants such as Right Guard of Old Spice are appropriate for men. Oh man, was I ever wrong.

A great many deodorants cause my armpits to develop a rash or irritation, and I have rejected the better part of the deodorants that are available just by the fact that they irritate my skin alone. Some brands such as Right Guard have been acceptable, but often the ones that did not irritate my skin were much too sticky and gloppy for my taste. The Secret Platinum Soft Solid series of deodorants excel in both of these areas. It does not irritate my skin, even after prolonged use; and the “soft solid” (which is something of a cross between a liquid and a solid) is a pleasant texture that does not feel wet or sticky. So right off the bat, the Secret Platinum Soft Solid deodorant met two of my most important criteria for a good deodorant.

A third criterion for a good deodorant is that the deodorant not smell or feel girly to use. While I am not sexist in the slightest and am perfectly confident in my masculinity, I simply do not wish to use a deodorant in a pink container. Call me old fashioned, but pink is for girls and blue is for boys. In these gender confused times, I still prefer the good old-fashioned color schemes. Secret, however, has succeeded in creating and marketing their Platinum Soft Solid deodorant as a unisex product. While the package has more of a feminine shape, it is a pleasant looking neutral grayish silver color that allows it to blend in perfectly with any selection of masculine personal care products. I am perfectly comfortable carting around my Secret Platinum Soft Solid deodorant to the gym without worry of my masculinity being questioned due to my choice of deodorant.

The only downside to the Secret brand Platinum Soft Solid deodorant is the small quantity contained in each package. Due to the presence of armpit hair, it usually takes more deodorant to accomplish the same job for a man as for a woman. The amount of product contained inside a single package of Secret Platinum Soft Solid deodorant is more suited for a women’s deodorant than for a man’s. When combined with the rather hefty price tag for Secret Platinum deodorant, the result is clear: it just plain costs more to use the Secret Platinum Soft Solid deodorant than to use other competing brands. I consider this a good trade off, however, if using the Secret Platinum deodorant allows me to avoid skin irritation in my armpits!

While Secret Platinum Soft Solid deodorant is marketed as a unisex product, there is a large variety of scents available in this deodorant series. Some of the scents are clearly designed for female users, but I have had good success with the unscented and “Shower Fresh” varieties of Secret Platinum. Individual preferences will vary, but nearly everyone should be able to find a scent that is satisfactory, whether male or female.

In conclusion, Secret Platinum Soft Solid deodorants are the perfect balance of texture, scent, and quality. And Secret Platinum is hypoallergenic in nature, which is good for those who have skin that is easily irritated. I have had no problems with Secret Platinum in this regard. You may spend a few extra pennies on Secret Platinum over other brands, but I consider the extra money to be well spent because of the uniqueness of the Secret Platinum series of Soft Solid deodorants.

Karla News

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