Russ Dalbey’s Winning in the Cash Flow Business

I can be highly critical of infomercials. In order to keep my attention on an infomercial you either have to a) be saying something original b) have pleasant looking surroundings or c) be in a bikini. There was this infomercial that was on for the longest time; I don’t even remember what it was for; some kind of a “make easy money from home” thing; I think I even wrote about it for Associated Content. Anyway, I never knew what they were selling but the two hosts were this blonde and brunette standing in bikinis holding microphones and nodding really enthusiastically.

I miss that infomercial.

Anyway, they’ve replaced bikini-clad hosts and young, fun, volley ball players in a pool with Russ Dalbey’s Easy to Learn Winning in the Cash Flow Business. This guy is middle aged; in his 40’s I’d wager; he’s not much to look at. He’s interviewing all these frumpy looking men and Russ Dalbey keeps doing this most distracting thing throughout the entire commercial; he’s holding his hands out, palm up, as though inviting you to step through the screen and join him on his quest to make the easy coin. Some may feel invited by this gesture; I felt skeezed. I did not like it one bit. It was honestly quite distracting and it made sitting through the small portion of this infomercial that I did unbearable. 0 for 2 Russ; you got anything original to say or what?

Russ Dalbey is a man’s man. He talks in plain spoken language and his system seems simple to understand. So simple in fact that, after seeing his infomercial and reading his website, I wonder why anyone would even feel the need to buy this Winning in the Cash Flow Business system.

The Winning in the Cash Flow Business system goes like this; seller-financed loans (I.O.U.’s) are what he’s dealing in and for real estate specifically is from where Russ Dalbey’s coming from. There is a definite market for I.O.U.’s, Treasury notes, CD’s, and other forms of fixed return for lending others; an individual, a bank, the Feds; money. But you’re not going to get rich in this market unless you’re swapping a lot of paper. Put another way, you need money to make money in this game.

It’s here where Russ Dalbey’s rhetoric gets a little questionable. He goes on to say that the “cash flow note” business in real estate in America “exceeds 200 Billion dollars.” I ask everyone out there to remember what happened in 2007 and 2008; the mortgage crisis. Which led to the banking collapse, which took place at the same time as the auto bailout; we were all in pretty dire financial straits there for a while. Maybe if Russ Dalbey had been selling this junk in 1995 he might have had an easier time of it. But today? In 2010? Where Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are basically a cautionary tale under government conservatorship, even student loans are now going under the federal umbrella. Is this really the time to be shucking and jiving with cash flow notes?

Dalbey goes one step further; taking the risk out altogether; only finding reward. Russ Dalbey says that all his clients need to do to have success with his system is “find them, list them, make money!” When he says “them” he’s talking about cash flow notes. So according to Russ Dalbey you need no upfront; you don’t need to loan any money to make money. You’re basically acting as a middle man.

I don’t know where this guy Russ Dalbey is living but it’s not in our lovely corner of the galaxy. It would seem if Russ Dalbey thought that all that was needed to make money were to find and list these cash flow notes, with no upfront costs, then he wouldn’t be selling a cash flow notes program on a television infomercial, he’d be doing the program himself!

Unfortunately that is not what’s going on. A simple Google search turns up hundreds upon hundreds of scammed individuals wailing about how they lost thousands of dollars (thousands of dollars? Ugh!) By participating in the Russ Dalbey Winning in the Cash Flow Business program. If you’re comfortable with the prospect of losing everything with zero return, maybe Russ Dalbey is for you. If not, you know what to do.




Karla News

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