Categories: Diseases & Conditions

Reviewing First or Women Magazine

I don’t read a lot of magazines for two reasons. First of all, I don’t have that much free time on my hand. Secondly, I find that most magazines have a lot of pictures and stories, a few cute crafts, and one or two good ideas. However, overall, they have very little usable content. At least that is what I thought.

Recently, as I sat waiting for my clothes to dry in an incredibly slow dryer with very little heat, I started glancing through a magazine called “First for Women.” I couldn’t believe that, page after page, contained valuable information that I both wanted and needed to know.

There was an article on a deficiency in the female body that is making 76% of women tired and fat. There was another one on a natural supplement that supposedly works better than a diet pill. Another article shared diet secrets and an additional one shed light on a little known illness that effects 20 million American women every year. And that just scratched the surface of the magazine’s content.

I found dozens of wonderful recipes and a whole list of cures for dealing with different types of stress. I was immediately hooked; line and sinker, so to speak. As soon as my laundry was done, I headed off to the store in search of this amazing magazine. I have to state the absolute truth and state that I have never done that before in my entire life.

“First for Women” is obviously a magazine that is geared primarily toward women. The magazine’s articles touch on a large number of women’s issues and cater to the average women’s wants and needs. First covers topics like family, love, health, style, and fun.

The magazine is slick, full color, and exceptionally well written and edited. I’ll be holding on to this particular issue, which is dated July 30, 2007, for quite some time because there is so much inside of its covers. The issue in question included articles on:

Enzyme Miracle – drop 27 pounds this month;
Instant Happy – 35 ways to feed radiant;
Style – Luxuries for less;
Health – Doctor on call;
Insight – Social smarts;
Family – Nutrition know how;
Home – Money know how;
Love – Safe and speedy summer headache cures; and
Fun – Last laugh.

Of course, that isn’t all. There are literally dozens of articles, recipes, and tips that are actually usable in an everyday woman’s life.

After doing a bit of research, I learned that “First for Women” is basically divided into three parts – – You, Family, and Fun.

The “You” section focuses on health development with nutrition information and diet tips. It also covers subjects dealing with well being like beauty tips, which include tips for healthy skin as well as trends in hair, makeup, and fashion. Finally, it touches on insight issues like confidence, happiness, education, and spirituality.

The “Family” section includes recipes for all different kinds of foods. It is perfect for all members of the family. It also covers other areas pertinent to the family like finances, time management, team building, problem solving, and simple matters of everyday life.

In the “Fun” section, there are articles and tips about art, literature, television, theater, and other forms of entertainment. It also contains puzzles and word games, astrological charts, and more.

I’ve never had a magazine subscription in my life, but I think about to. I can’t wait to see the next issue of this terrific publication. If it is even half as good as the one I just finished, they have a new customer for sure. This one gets five out of five stars.

The magazine is published once every three weeks. The cover price is $1.99 per issue or just under $35 per year. Currently, however, it is possible to get a one-year subscription at a 41% discount. That equates to $19.97 per year.

Karla News

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