Categories: Food & Wine

Review: Season’s Choice Hash Browns

We don’t get to eat breakfast together as a family very often. We usually can pull it off on Saturday and possibly Sunday if we skip church. But, during the week, I have work and my oldest daughter has school and, as a result, we have breakfast at different times of the day (my wife and youngest daughter usually eat after dropping my oldest daughter off at school).

Because of this, we try to keep breakfast items on hand that are easy to make and are something any one of us would enjoy. This includes hash browns; something both our kids love.

We have a couple brands that we prefer. But, recently, we ended up with a package of hash browns from the brand Season’s Choice. I’m not exactly sure where they came from. I don’t remember buying them so I can only assume my parents brought them over for their grand kids. Regardless, after trying these hash browns, I can honestly say it is a brand I would not buy again.

I should be up front and say, despite what I mentioned above about finding foods that all of us enjoy, I’m actually not a huge hash brown fan to begin with. So, even if these had been one of the better hash brown brands available, I probably would have found a couple things I didn’t like about them. However, even though I don’t like hash browns, I will eat them and, when compared to other brands, there is definitely a drop off in quality with this brand.

The Season’s Choice hash browns are easy enough to make and, depending on how much time we have, we have cooked them using a frying pan, microwave and toaster oven. So, as far as convenience goes, they did win some points.

But, as far as taste goes, these were definitely disappointing. The hash browns have no flavor to them at all. The first time we had them, we made them in the microwave and I thought it was the result of that. But, we had the same problem baking them and frying them.

This did not go unnoticed by the kids either. My oldest will usually eat two hash browns in one sitting. It is all we can do to get her to eat even one of these. My youngest isn’t as picky but still won’t eat a lot either.

If you are looking for hash browns to buy for the family, I would recommend a different brand.

Karla News

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