Categories: Food & Wine

Review of Newman’s Own Roasted Garlic Alfredo Sauce

Last night, my wife and I decided we wanted pasta for dinner. She told me she was in the mood for a white sauce rather than red so I ran to the store and ended up buying a jar of Newman’s Own Roasted Garlic Alfredo Sauce.

This is the first time I have ever tried this particular sauce. Normally, I will just buy the cheaper store brands in an effort to save money and this sauce doesn’t usually fall into that category. However, when I was shopping yesterday, the store happened to have this sauce on sale and, since it was only a few cents higher in price, I decided to give it a try.

Overall, I was pretty impressed with this sauce. Since it was roasted garlic flavor, I was concerned it would have a bit too much garlic in it. However, the sauce had a good flavor. I could definitely taste the roasted garlic. But, it wasn’t something that was overpowering. Instead, it was just strong enough to give the Alfredo sauce a bit more of a kick.

Another thing I liked about this sauce was the thickness. As I mentioned before, I normally buy store brands and, more often than not, they are very watery. This sauce was much thicker and actually stuck to the pasta.

My only real complaint about this product is the size of the jar. As I said before, when this brand isn’t on sale, it is considerably more expensive than the brands I would normally buy. This, in itself, isn’t a big deal, but I do get less quantity too and this was very noticeable last night when we ran out of sauce very quickly but still had plenty of pasta left.

As a result of this, even though I did enjoy this pasta sauce, I don’t think it is a brand I would buy again, unless it starts coming in larger jars.

Karla News

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