Review of Lundberg Family Farms Eco-Farmed California Brown Basmati Rice

I recently ask a friend to pick me up some organic brown rice. They brought me back to packages of brown rice but unfortunately they had accidentally chosen one that was not certified organic. The brown rice claimed to be eco-farmed and came from a company that also offered organic brown rice so I wondered why they also produced eco-farmed rice and for that matter I wondered what eco-farmed even meant. The particular bag of rice was Lundberg Family Farms Eco-Farmed California Brown Basmati Rice.

I like brown basmati rice better than standard long grain brown rice so I was excited about the fact that the rice was that variety. Still, I wanted to get to the bottom of why the rice was eco-farmed and what that meant. A trip to the Lundberg Family Farms website was in order and the search of the term of eco-farmed was needed. After a bit of research I discovered that Lundberg Family Farms grew about seventy percent of their crops organically and the remaining crops on their farms were eco-farmed. This means that anything that is eco-farmed is grown with selective use of pesticides and fertilizers that are chosen for their minimal environmental damage. I certainly think that this is better than a lot of traditionally grown rice but I still prefer to get certified organic rice. Still with the bag of Lundberg Family Farms Eco-Farmed California Brown Basmati Rice on a hand I tried it.

I thought that it tasted very good. It was about sixty cents cheaper than a similar brown rice that is organic and from the same company. There were nearly five cups of dry rice in the bag, so I knew that once cooked that would be around fifteen cups of rice. Although this would appear to seem like a lot I have to admit that brown rice makes its appearance in so many of are meals and dishes that I didn’t think that it would last too long. This actually worked out fine though, because as soon as I was done with the bag I was eager to replace it with some certified organic rice. On a positive note I looked at the nutrition facts to find that they were just as good as a previous different variety of organic brown rice that I tried from this same company.

The nutrition facts for Lundberg Family Farms Eco-Farmed California Brown Basmati Rice are for a one fourth cup of dry rice. In three fourths of one cup of cooked rice there was one hundred and seventy calories with fifteen calories from fat. In addition there are thirty eight grams of carbohydrates, two grams of fiber and four grams of protein. The rice also offered two percent of what you need daily of iron but that was all that was listed under that portion of the nutrition facts. Even though these nutrition facts are just as good as organic long grain brown rice they are not as good as organic California brown basmati rice from the same company.

If you normally get organic rice I wouldn’t recommend getting this unless it was all you could afford or find. If you are regularly getting non-organic rice I would definitely recommend trying out the Lundberg Family Farms Eco-Farmed California Brown Basmati Rice. I am glad that if this company can not grow all of their rice crops organically that at least they are eco-farming the rest. I wouldn’t want to knock anything that is good for the environment even if eco-farmed rice is not something that I particularly want to get again myself.


Karla News

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