Categories: Books

Review of Books Sold at Dollar Stores – Part 1

I am an avid reader and love many different genre’s of books. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many books I’ve read so far in my life, but it has been quite a lot. Recently on a trip to our local Dollar General, I noticed that they had a box of books that were all priced at $1.00.

Now, for anyone that enjoys reading, we all know that $1.00 for a book is quite a find. The price of books has risen it seems, almost every year. Even if you purchase a paperback book, prices can still be close to $10.00. For me, someone who can go through a book in one day (if it’s really good), paying one dollar for a book was enough to make me giddy.

So, looking through the books that the Dollar General had, I didn’t recognize a lot of the authors. This did not stop me though, as I was not about to pass up this opportunity. Who knows, just because these books were cheap did not mean they were not good. I selected two books from the shelf, telling myself that if these turned out good, I would definitely be back for more. One book was called Immortal Blood, by James M. Thompson, and the other was Tempt Me Twice, by Barbara Dawson Smith.

This article, Part 1, will be devoted to reviewing Immortal Blood, as it was the first book I decided to read. Published by Pinnacle Books in 2003, Immortal Blood is just as you would imagine, a book about vampires. The cover does not do the book justice, with just a badly painted picture of a vampires face. But, looking past this, I delved right into reading.

Right away, James M. Thompson grabs the readers attention with an intriguing prologue, full of action and gore. And let me say right now, if you do not like reading about gruesome details or vampires, this book is not for you. The book centers around the main character, Elijah Pike, a vampire who is on the quest to find a cure for vampires so that they do not crave the deadly urges for human blood.

In this quest, Elijah and his friends will battle with the deadly Micheal Morpheus to keep him from extinguishing them and all hopes they and their supporters have of a cure.

Mr. Thompson brings you inside a world where there are good vampires working to save mortals from other vampires set out to destroy them. There is a wonderful amount of action inside this 314 page book. Romance and carnage is aplenty also, and with all these things working together, I was pleasantly surprised how entertaining and mesmerizing this book became as I read it.

All in all, I must say that I will be going back for more $1.00 books at our Dollar General. Of course, I may find some bad apples in the bunch, who knows? But after reading Immortal Blood I am willing to risk a dollar to see what other exciting stories I can find!

Karla News

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