Categories: Fertility & Pregnancy

Recipe to Increase Breast Milk

There are a few ways to increase breastmilk that have been proven to work. You can try supplements such as More Milk Plus by Motherlove or just plain old fenugreek supplements. Another proven method is nursing more often throughout the day and night. Yet another way, is a recipe that worked for me and many others that incorporates a few things that have been known to help increase breastmilk. These cookies are easy to make and taste great. You can alter the recipe however you want as long as you keep the main ingredients in it.

The ingredients that you will need are:

1 cup of butter, preferably Olivio or another olive oil type butter, one with flaxseed in it has added health benefits
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of brown sugar
4 tablespoons of water
2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal (found at health food stores)
2 large eggs, using eggs with omega in it is beneficial, but not required
1 tsp of vanilla
2 cups of flour, whole wheat flour is recommended
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of salt
3 cups of oats (oatmeal, not instant though), thick cut work best
1 cup or more of chocolate chips, peanut butter chips or any that you like
2-4 tablespoons of brewers yeast, it must be brewers yeast (found in health food stores)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

mix 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal with the water and set aside, you will need it a little later
beat butter and sugars well
add the eggs and mix
stir in flaxseed mix and add vanilla to the butter mix
beat well
sift together the flour, brewers yeast, salt and baking soda
add to butter mix
stir in oats and chips
scoop or drop onto baking sheet an inch apart
bake for 12-15 minutes

The key ingredients here for increasing breastmilk is the brewers yeast and oatmeal. Back in the day, doctors used to advise mothers to drink a beer a day because the yeast in the beer helped to increase breastmilk. Now, drinking alcohol isn’t quite so advised so eating these cookies with brewers yeast in it will have the same effect, if not better. Oatmeal has been a long time remedy for low milk supply as well. Eating a bowl or two a day while nursing helps to increase.

If you eat these cookies and are not already lactating, you will not start. Don’t worry!!! My husband and kids love these cookies and none of them have started to lactate. They have great health benefits to them with the flaxseed and omega eggs in them. They are actually cookies that are healthy for you.

I alter the recipe a little to suit my needs. I cut the sugar down to half a cup as well as the brown sugar. I eat a lower sugar/carb diet. I also sometimes put butterscotch chips or crushed up heath bars in instead of the chocolate chips. As long as you keep the brewers yeast and oatmeal in the recipe, you will increase your breastmilk.

I ate three cookies the first time that I made this recipe and saw a change in my supply. I was amazed!! I continued to make a batch of cookies every few days as my whole family loved them!!

Happy baking!! Happy lactating!! Enjoy!!!

Karla News

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