Categories: Drugs & Medications

Reasons for Teen Substance Abuse

Substances of abuse are often associated with illicit drugs like marijuana, cocaine, morphine, barbiturates and many others. The truth however is that two of the most common substances of abuse are readily available in the market .

According to Donald F. Calbreath ( Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry), alcohol and cigarettes are the two most common substances of abuse among teenagers all over the world. This is because they are easily procured and readily available from common stores.

It is in this culture that teens grow up and assume that these substances are tolerable by society and are therefore “okay” to use. It is only later that they would come to realize that they have disastrous side effects like liver cirrhosis, lung cancer and other serious conditions . By then, it would be too late to institute cure and withdrawal.

What causes teen substance abuse? Drugs, alcohol and cigarettes hold a promise of blissful relief and ecstasy to teenagers that is why many are often caught in the vicious web of these drugs’ physical dependence and addiction. Emotional and psychological problems are the major causes of substance abuse.

The following are specific cases of emotional and psychological problems:

1. Peer Pressure

Sometimes, the pressure coming from friends to experiment with drugs is so strong that teens could not avoid it. When parents and family members ignore them, they have to “belong” elsewhere. The sense of belongingness is one of the needs that should be fulfilled, according Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.

If family does not make this possible then the teen will be forced to do anything for peers just to belong to the group.

2. Insecurity

Just like the sense of belongingness, security is one need that has to be fulfilled in a teen. Lack of security from the home will let them turn to drugs as when they are “high” in drugs, they have the illusion that they are secure and invincible.

3. Feeling of being unloved

When teens feel that they are not loved at home or by anyone, they turn to drugs. Drugs give them the momentary feeling of ecstasy and happiness. Everything seems to be fine when they are on drugs. When reality jolts them back, they had to indulge themselves again to remain blissful and happy.

Sometimes this feeling of being unloved could spark rebellion in teens and they use drugs and flaunt their addiction to their family just to spite and hurt them.

4. Inability to face problems

When a teen is not brave enough to face his problems, he will resort to drugs. This is especially true if he could not ask help from anyone else.

There are still several reasons why teens immerse themselves in drugs. These reasons boil down into a major one, the lack of attention and love parents give their children. When these needs are fulfilled then there would be no valid reason for teens to experiment on drugs.

Karla News

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