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Raquel Houghton, Dane Cook’s Girlfriend: Raquel Houghton Photos

Raquel Houghton is making headlines. Raquel Houghton is Dane Cook’s girlfriend. Raquel Houghton and Dane Cook have been together for quite some time. Dane Cook and Raquel Houghton’s first appearance together was at the premiere of his movie Employee of the Month.

According to LA Late, Dane Cook said the following of Raquel Houghton in 2006: “We’ve been invited to other functions, but this is our first event of this caliber. This is my baby. ..[She is] independent and funny – two things I like in a woman.” You can also see a picture of the couple at the LA Late Web site.

Who exactly is Raquel Houghton? In addition to being Dane Cook’s independent and funny girlfriend, she is an aspiring American Idol. According to Times of the Internet, Raquel Houghton is no longer with Dane Cook, although she is setting her eyes on a new prize.

Raquel Houghton is already the lead singer of The Valli Girls. Times of the Internet also reports that the Valli Girls MySpace page bears the following information: “” Raquel Houghton is our fearless lead singer who always brings the funk when we’re jamming. Plus she has the best reflexes of anyone in the Valley. Not sure what that means but its gotta be good,”

Although no reports have indicated for certain whether Dane Cook and Raquel Houghton are still together, they sure did make a cute couple. If they have truly been together since 2006, they have had a very long relationship as far as Hollywood is concerned.

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Dane Cook is a comedian. He’s a very funny comedian and actor that has a down-to-earth sense of humor. Although he’s best known for his comedy, my favorite appearance by Dane Cook was in Mr. Brooks. In Mr. Brooks, Dane Cook played the role of “Mr. Smith”, an aspiring killer that blackmailed Mr. Brooks into taking him along with a kill by showing Mr. Brooks photos of a murder that he committed.

Other than that, my second favorite Dane Cook appearance had to be in Good Luck Chuck. Although the humor in Good Luck Chuck is a little wraunchy for some, it’s a lighthearted comedy that had a great ending.

Raquel Houghton may or may not be Dane Cook’s girlfriend. However, we are bound to see more of Raquel Houghton as she takes her chances at becoming the next American Idol.


LA Late http://news.lalate.com/2009/11/04/raquel-houghton-photo/

Times of the Internet http://www.timesoftheinternet.com/125413.html