Categories: Beauty

Protein Treatments that Strengthen Hair

About a year ago, I noticed that my strands had become thin. I thought it was due to hormones because my diet had not changed much. It worried me because I was so used to my thick, dense hair. I wanted to get to the bottom of why my hair had gone through such a change, and my hair did not feel as strong in my hands as it used to. I pulled out a strand of hair and dropped it in a cup of water to test its porosity. It sank which means my hair was high porosity due to probably using heat too much on my hair. I ended up cutting off most of my damaged hair which left about three inches of hair on my head. I did some research online on how to strengthen my hair and came across protein treatments.

At first, I tried the Aphogee Protein Treatment. It is very popular, and the cashier in the store told me that it really worked for her hair and that it only need to be done every six weeks. I tried it, and I was satisfied with the results of my hair. I waited two weeks to see how my hair was responding, and I noticed that it didn’t break as easily. I didn’t want to wait six weeks to reapply treatment, so I did it again. I got the same results, but from reading some posts online I was warned that too much protein too often can have a negative effect on the hair. After the second treatment, I though that maybe I should try a treatment that was more natural and less harsh that I could use monthly without worrying about a protein overload.

A month after the second treatment of Aphogee, I decided to use an egg as a protein treatment. I always knew about eggs being used as a topical protein treatment for hair, but I didn’t take it seriously. This time I did and decided to use it and mix it with Olive Oil deep conditioning packet. I put one egg and one packet of the conditioner together and mixed it. I applied it to my hair and let it sit for an hour. I did not sit under a dryer because I read that the heat will cook the egg in your hair. When I rinsed it out, I noticed a shine to my hair that I never had. There were no tiny hairs all over the sink from breakage. The most obvious difference was that my hair felt super soft. I was sold. The results were even better than the results from Aphogee, and aphogee works well too. I have used the egg protein treatment three times since and have been very impressed. My hair is thicker and doesn’t break easily. It hardly even sheds.

Once I tried the Coconut Oil Protein Keratin Conditioner Treatment and my results were similar to the results with the egg treatment, but not as good. There are different protein treatments out there that will strengthen your hair so that it can thrive and grow, but you have to determine what is best for you. Sometimes that will be through trial and error.

Even though my hair problem was from hair maintenance, it is important to get your protein from your diet too. There is no point in maintaining good hair care practices if your diet is poor, and there is no point in maintaining a good diet if your hair care practices are poor. Hair care and diet work together in the overall health of your hair.

Karla News

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