Prosperity Spells: Magic to Draw Money

There is a myth perpetuated by popular movies and literature that one should never do magic for personal gain- especially money. For some reason, the idea of trying to use magic to fix or improve your financial situation has gotten a bad rap as being “unethical” and “abusing power.”

This would come as a huge surprise to our magic using ancestors, who cast spells for thriving crops and healthy livestock, such things that were as integral to their well being as money is to ours. People did not learn and pass on these mystical arts simply to be magical philanthropists- they used them to fulfill their own needs and the needs of their family first.

While there is nothing wrong with using magic to help others or better our world, there is also nothing wrong with wanting to help yourself. In fact, it’s a lot easier to do things for others when you have your own life in order. Just like earning money is fine while stealing money is wrong, using magic to prosper is fine as long as it is used responsibly. Unless you’re planning to burglarize your neighbor, robbing a bank, mug kids for milk money or con seniors out of their retirement funds, there’s nothing wrong with doing magic to make your life a little easier and bring financial stability.

Try some of these prosperity spells to help draw money into your life:

Money-Drawing Charm For Your Home

You Will Need:
Piece of green or gold silk
Green or gold yarn
Mint leaves
Silver coin
Green Candle
Patchouli oil
Red candle
Small bowl of salt
Small bowl of water
Patchouli Incense

Place the sacred elements on your altar or table top: red candle (Fire), bowl of salt (Earth), bowl of water (Water) and incense in a censer or heat-proof container (Air). Light the candle and the incense.

Using your athame (ritual knife), or your finger if you don’t have one, draw the symbol of a pentagram in the air over each of them. The pentagram is a five-pointed star in the shape of a circle. As you do the motion, say:

I cleanse and consecrate thee,
creature of (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)
Lend me your power
To aid me in my spell

Place your other objects onto the table. Annoint the green candle with the patchouli oil and set it in it’s holder. Light it from the red candle. As it burns, gaze at it and meditate. Envision yourself being financially secure- see yourself paying bills without blinking, imagine your check book register with a tidy sum in it that would comfort you, imagine yourself shopping, envision looking at your paycheck with a greater salary written into it. Try to feel how you would feel if you were financially secure- peace, happy, at ease, maybe enjoying a little luxury. Hold the visualization for as long as you can.

Dribble some green wax on the silver coin from the green candle. Blow out the green candle. When it cools, press your thumb print into the wax. Place the load stone, coin, and mint leaves on the piece of silk. Gather up the silk and tie it with the yarn to make a small pouch.

Hold the pouch in the incense smoke and say:

May the powers of air
Consecrate this charm
And bless it so that in this household
Finances are handled wisely

Hold the pouch (carefully!) above the red candle and say:

May the powers of fire
Consecrate this charm
And bless it so that in this household
All are (I am) inspired to earn and save

Lay the pouch on the table and sprinkle it with a splash of water. Say:

May the powers of water
Consecrate this charm
And bless it so that in this household
Intuition will aid us (me) in financial matters

Sprinkle the pouch with some salt and say:

May the powers of Earth
Consecrate this charm
And bless it so that in this household
Prosperity will come to us (me)

Extinguish your flame and incense. Hang your charm over your door.

Spell to Pay a Bill

You Will Need:
One green candle in a holder
Basil (fresh or dried leaves, or ground basil)
A bill, or printed copy of the bill
A brown envelope
Pen or marker

Lay your bill, or a copy of your bill, on the table.

Take the basil in your hands. Meditate and envision the amount of money you need to pay this bill. Envision the basil in your hand, glowing and tingling with power, drawing the money towards your purpose. Hold the visualization for as long as you can.

Sprinkle the basil onto the bill. Fold up the paper bill with the basil in it and place it into the envelope.

Take your pen and draw on the envelope three squares, with a small one inside a medium sized one inside of a larger one. Try to draw them as straight and evenly as you can. As you draw the squares, say:

My finances have been in disarray,
With the powers of the herbs
Let them come to order and be squared away;

The means to pay this bill I will find
With the casting of this spell
So that I may find peace of mind

Place the envelope on a table. Place the green candle in the candle holder and light it. Meditate by the light of the candle, envisioning that the bill is paid. You may envision this by seeing yourself mail a check, or marking it off in your register, or by receiving a paid notice. Hold the visualization for as long as you can.

The spell may manifest in different ways. You might find some extra work, or overtime, money owed to you may find it’s way to you, or you might find some other expense relieved, such as finding something you need on sale, so that you have leftover money.

Simple Magic to Draw More Business

You Will Need:
Piece of aluminum foil
Ground Cinnamon

Sprinkle some ground cinnamon onto a strip of aluminum foil. Fold up the foil into a small square.

Stash the square in your cash register, with your invoices, or with your business cards to attract business.

Spell For Luck in Games of Chance

You Will Need:
2 teaspoons of chamomile
2 teaspoons of mint leaves
8 oz cup of hot water
8 orange candles in holders
Vial of orange oil

Place the vial of oil in the sun during a bright mid-day for an hour.

On a day you plan to go gambling, place your mint and chamomile into a mug. Set some water on the stove to boil. When the water is boiling, pour it over the herbs to create a brew.

Place the cup of brew on your altar or the center of a table. Calm and center yourself. Take each orange candle and anoint it with orange oil infused with solar energies. Place the candles in holders and set them in a circle around the brew.

Starting at the candle facing closest to north, begin lighting each candle. As you light each candle say these words:

By the powers of sun and fire
Bring to me my heart’s desire
Blessings of luck wash over me
And bring to me prosperity
With harm to none, so mote it be

Sit and meditate before the candles. If you like, envision yourself with a small pile of money that you’ve won- paying bills with it, shopping or depositing it into the bank. Hold this visualization as long as you can.

Extinguish the candles. Take the brew. Be sure it has cooled down first. When it’s cool enough, wash your hands with it to bring luck at gambling.


Karla News

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