Pros and Cons of Being a Golf Caddie

As a golf caddie for three years at a private golf club I found that there were a few pros and cons to being a golf caddie. Obviously the pros outweighed the cons or else I wouldn’t have spent most of my summer days on the golf course. You will have to determine if being a golf caddie is right for you.

Here are the pros and cons of being a golf caddie:


Pays well. Depending on your level and skill you’ll be compensated well for your work. Golfers request caddies at private golf clubs often have the money to tip well. Your tip will be in addition to the base pay you’re given by the club per round of golf. There are cheapskate golfers though so be mindful of that and don’t take it personal if you know you did a good job.

It’s healthy. As a golf caddie you’ll be walking an average of four miles per round of golf out on the golf course so you’ll burn a lot of calories and your legs will be in great from the exercise. You’ll also build a lot of stamina.

You’ll enjoy the fresh air and nature. Golf courses are some of the most beautiful places to experience nature. If you enjoy being outside, being a golf caddie would be ideal for you.

Flexible schedule. As a caddie you’ll be free to show up to work whenever you want. If you can’t make it one weekend, that’s fine as long as you didn’t have a prior commitment with a particular golfer. Caddies that show up frequently for work and do well are highly regarded by golfers and often requested for a round of golf when possible.

Possible connections. As a golf caddie you’ll spend hours walking along the golf course with one golfer. The golfer could be an influential person. If the golfer is friendly and wants to know about your future career goals consider it a networking opportunity. If you see the same golfers on a regular basis they could serve as references when you decide to seek employment elsewhere.

You’ll learn about the game of golf. If you are already a golfer you get to spend time out on the golf course and get paid for it. As a golf caddie you’ll not only help the golfer, but you’ll also learn more about the game.


It may take awhile to get assigned a golfer for the day. Depending on the set up at the golf club or golf course you may have to wait for a round of golf. The wait time depends on how busy the golf course is and how many golfers request caddies. On a Friday, Saturday or Sunday morning you’ll most likely have a shorter wait before you begin work.

You’ll have to deal with the weather. If it’s raining or very hot you’ll have to keep working. When it’s hot you’ll have to keep as cool as you can in your uniform. Speak up if you feel as though you’re in danger of heat exhaustion. If it’s raining, a golfer may continue to play until the downpour is too bad to continue. Be prepared to get wet some days. And seek shelter if you see lightening.

Can be strenuous. You may not be able to work or do well on your job if you are very tired or sick. Try to stay well rested and in good health.

Karla News

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