Categories: Beauty

Product Review: Honeybee Gardens ColorBalm Naturals Lipstick

I am always on the hunt for new all natural cosmetics. About a year ago I found a website that sold Honeybee Gardens natural lipstick. I passed the product off as insignificant and inferior–heaven only knows why-but I bookmarked the website anyway just in case.

Just recently I noticed that the independent health food store that I frequent set out a new display of natural lipsticks. So I stopped to sample them. While I was testing the colors I looked for the name brand around the display, but didn’t really find anything. But I did find a color that I absolutely loved-a shimmery berry with some brown and silver undertones-so I took it home with me. I tried it on one once I got home and was still very, very satisfied with the color. Then, as we women like to do, I flipped over my new tube to read the name of my new lipstick and to try and find the brand name. I was very surprised to see that the brand is Honeybee Gardens, Inc!

I should never have passed this brand off as inferior! It’s very high quality. The color glides on richly and smoothly, unlike some other natural lipsticks I’ve encountered in which you really have to go over your lips again and again with the lipstick to get any color on at all (Burt’s Beeswax natural lipstick is like that. Stay away from that stuff!). It was also fairly inexpensive at a little less than $8 a tube (less than $8 at the health food store; $10 online.). Plus, the best part is the lipstick’s staying power! I put it on in the morning then refreshened it after lunch and was still wearing it by dinner time! It still looked beautiful too.

The ColorBalm lipstick is a color lip balm made of herbs, botanicals and other natural ingredients to benefit you lips. They make their lipsticks in small quantities to ensure the quality of the lipstick. The lipsticks are free of artificial ingredients, fragrances, and petrochemicals.

Some of the ingredients they include in the lipsticks are kukui nut oil for chapped skin and irritation, macadamia nut oil to moisturize and improve spreadability, jojoba which is easily absorbed to help hydrate skin, shea butter and evening prim rose oil to protect your lips, Vitamin E which is used as an antioxidant, aloe to soften the lips, vegetable oil complex to improve cell regeneration, and Monoi de Tahiti to moisturize, protect, and soften the lips.

The also offer a very satisfying range of colors. You’ll find a color to suit every complexion.

The lipstick I bought is called Tuscany. Looking back at the website, I’m very surprised at how they’ve catalogued it. They’ve catalogued it as “a frosty shimmering grape with silvery pink undertones”–a beautiful plum color that looks great on “winters.” It looks more like a berry with silver undertones to me and I’m a “spring.” I wear it with a berry lip liner and it looks wonderful. One can wear it day or night.

But the pest part is that the website offers $1.00 samples, so feel free to experiment!

They also have matching water-based nail polish.


Karla News

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