Categories: Beauty

Product Review: Clorox Oxi Magic Stain Remover

Are you tired of washing and re-washing your favorite clothes trying to get a stubborn stain out? Before you give up and toss the item in the rag bag, let me tell you about Clorox® Oxi Magic™ stain remover powder. You can use this powder right in your wash to help remove tough stains on clothes.

With a new 5 month old granddaughter in the family, those stubborn baby stains are an everyday part of life!

Not a day goes by that the little sweetie doesn’t break in my newest shirt with baby drools, formula spit up or other interesting textures!

Now that she is exploring baby food there is a new range of colors joining the stain department. Baby food and formula stains can be some of the hardest stains to remove from baby clothes as well as grandma’s new shirt!

This week my daughter introduced me to Clorox® Oxi Magic™ . Since it doesn’t contain bleach it is safe to use right in your wash along with your regular detergent or for those tough baby stains a pre-wash in a sink full of water and a half scoop of Oxi Magic does really work ‘magic’ in getting even those new white baby shirts sparkling bright again!

Clorox® Oxi Magic™ stain remover also works just as well to clean other household stains. I used a solution on a pet stain in the hallway carpet after our shopping trip lasted longer than we planned and the family dog did her business inside!

For carpet stains: dissolve 1/8 scoop of Clorox® Oxi Magic™ stain remover powder per 2 cups of warm water.

Blot the area with paper towels first to remove any excess liquid, spray generously with the Oxi Magic™ and allow to stand 10-15 minutes, blot again with a paper towel and the stain should be gone! If you are attempting to remove an older stain, you may need to let the treated area stand 30 minutes and repeat.

My daughter has white bathroom tile flooring and a yard full of red Georgia clay! Not a good combination! When they moved into this house the grout between the tiles on the bathroom floor was discolored and stained red from the clay. Following directions on the package she found that Clorox® Oxi Magic™ stain remover powder also makes a great cleaner for bathroom tile grout!

For tile and grout stains: make a paste using 2 scoops of Clorox® Oxi Magic™ stain remover powder per 2 tablespoons of warm water.

Be sure to use gloves and aplly the paste to the grout, thinning it with a little warm water if necessary. Let it stand about an hour, scrub with a stiff brush and warm water and rinse well.

According to product information on their website, you should always use a freshly made solution of Clorox® Oxi Magic™ stain remover. Create a solution by fully dissolving Clorox® Oxi Magic™ stain remover powder in warm water. Do not mix Clorox® Oxi Magic™ stain remover powder with chlorine bleach or other household cleaners.

This is one stain remover finding its way onto my shopping list from now on!

Don’t forget about the grandchildren and pets, please always keep this and other cleaning products safely out of reach!!!


Karla News

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