Categories: Alternative Medicine

Product Review: Chamomile Calm Herbal Nervous Support Remedy by Herbs for Kids

This remedy is a favorite in my house for calming fussy children. It’s also a nice remedy to take with you while traveling or to use when your child has inconsolable tantrums or upsets. It is useful as a gentle sleep aid as well and great for children that have a hard time getting to bed and turning their mind off. It can be used for irritably in teething and as a mild pain reliever as well. This remedy contains gentle analgesic properties.

This herbal remedy is all natural and contains no artificial ingredients. I like to use this instead of traditional over the counter medications as it doesn’t cause grogginess like some things can. It is also chemical free so I like that aspect as well.

This remedy comes in a 4 ounce bottle with a dropper for easy administering. The taste is pretty good according to my 3.5 year old! My daughter on the other hand will not take it directly from the bottle. Personally I don’t mind it at all, but some kids don’t like to take herbal remedies as sometimes they can just be too strong. If you child is resistant to taking herbal remedies you can put the dose in about an ounce of juice to mask the taste. I find darker purple and red juices work best, like grape or cranberry. Also smoothies can be a good bet if your child is ill or under the weather.

The active herbal ingredients of the Herbs for Kids Chamomile Calm remedy are; extract of wood botany , chamomile flowers, fennel seeds, catnip and hops strobilus.

They are useful in the following ways;

Wood betony – this herb is useful in treating headaches and is an analgesic.

Chamomile flowers – chamomile is a well known relaxant. It is a gentle nervine and also a mild analgesic. It helps calm and soothe as well as promotes peace. Chamomile is obviously the main active ingredients in this formula. The other herbs in this formula compliment chamomile well and help give the user gentle nerve support without side effects. This is a very good remedy for younger children!

Fennel- fennel is soothing and will help calm as well.

Catnip- catnip is a nervine and a relaxant. It is also a great analgesic.

Hops- the same hops found in beer with a similar effect. Hope are soothing.

The base of this herbal remedy contains coconut and palm oils, glycerin, purified water and citric acid.

All herbal ingredients in chamomile calm are either organic or wild crafted ethically.

This remedy costs a little over $9 for a 4oz bottle as is available at health food stores, natural markets and some drug stores. You can also purchase it online. The shelf life is 2-3 years depending on how long it’s been sitting on your store shelf at the time of purchase. It is definitely a cost effective herbal medicine.

This is a great remedy to keep on hand in your herbal medicine chest. It is ideal not only for children but adults as well. I have take this remedy myself on occasion for anxiety and to help with my own insomnia.

This remedy is intended for use by children over the ages of one. It should not be used by pregnant or nursing mother’s.

There is a convenient dosage chart on the side of the bottle. This remedy is suggested for using up to 3-4 times daily but you likely won’t need to use it that often at all unless your child is having some major trauma going on.

This remedy is useful in transitioning the high spirited child. I heard great reviews about it before I tried it and now I’m completely sold!

Karla News

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