Categories: Pets

Pet Lover’s Review: Applehead Chihuahua

The Applehead Chihuahua are adorable and fun creatures to have as pet. I highly recommend them if you are looking for a pet who will adore and completely worship you. They have short hair and are easy to take care of. The reason they are called Applehead Chihuahuas is because their head has a round apple-shaped appearance. They are extremely lovable. Many are very small so it is important to be careful when walking around to avoid stepping on them.

The Applehead Chihuahua is very friendly and extremely cute and lovable and love to burrow under the covers with you. They have to be touching and sleeping with you at all times. They enjoy long walks and any kind of attention you can give them. They are social creatures who love to play. Their personalities reflect that of a little baby, although they are still self-sufficient and independent, but they would much prefer the company of man (or woman).

Regular veterinarian care is essential for good pet health as Applehead Chihuahuas tend to be prone to respiratory problems due to the way their snout is structured. Make sure your home is vacuumed regularly and kept moderately dust free. Chihuahuas also tend to get cold easily because they are so small, so in this case dressing them up in sweaters when needed is appropriate for cold weather.

Applehead Chihuahuas do not appear to know their size. They are fierce guard dogs, often confident that they can “take on” other larger dogs. Their intentions are well meaning as they seek only to protect their owner. Chihuahuas are not generally recommended for young children as Chihuahuas do not have the temperament, even though they are generally lovable. However, if the children are kind and patient, a Chihuahua can get along quite nicely.

A diet rich in poultry and brown rice is recommended for the Chihuahua and avoiding beef is best. They also enjoy a size appropriate chew toy. Short-haired Chihuahuas do not need bathing very often, although preventative baths can guard against fleas. Long-haired Chihuahuas do need bathing more often and also need their hair brushed daily.

For more information about Applehead Chihuahuas, I recommend visiting . This is the American Kennel Club website and it offers detailed descriptions about anything you would want to know about the Applehead Chihuahua. As for my personal experience, our Applehead Chihuahua fits nicely as a member of our family.


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