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Penguins of Madagascar Character Profiles

The Penguins of Madagascar is a new show that premiered on March 28th on Nickelodeon. This popular T.V. show features the penguins from the movie Madagascar. There are several other characters from the two Madagascar movies and one additional otter who made her first appearance on Nickelodeon’s show. The characters on the Penguins of Madagascar are entertaining for both kids and adults.

The Penguins of Madagascar is set in Central Park Zoo in Manhattan. The show does not say how the penguins, lemurs, and monkeys returned to the zoo, we can only assume that information is ‘strictly confidential’.

The Penguins

Skipper: Skipper is the leader of the penguins. He is a military penguin who keeps his penguins in line and their habitat in shipshape. Skipper shouts the orders and lays out the plan that his loyal penguins follow. Skipper has a very active imagination and uses it to conceal the penguins’ missions from the zoo keepers and visitors. However, Skipper is not as cold hearted as he appears. He takes care of his men, er, penguins, and is a loyal and caring leader. “Cute and cuddly, boys, cute and cuddly,” is the Skipper’s mantra.

Private: Private is the junior member of the penguin’s elite fighting force. He speaks with a British accent and language style. Private is naïve, loving, and trusting. Those characteristics could be deadly for an elite fighting force but the penguins often see his style as the correct path to take.

Kowalski: Kowalski is the brains behind the penguin’s plans. He always has a notebook and crayon handy in order to work out any problem in his not-so-scientific way. Kowalski’s only downfall is that he is not confident in his fighting ability because he prefers to rely more on his brain. Give Kowalski a problem, and he will solve it for you, maybe.

Rico: Rico would be considered the grunt of the penguins because he is the demolitions expert. He always has whatever device the Skipper calls for. All Skipper has to say is “Rico, surprise me,” and Rico will cough up the device that is needed in order for the penguins to complete their mission. Rico does all this and never says a word.

The Lemurs

King Julien: King Julien was the king of the lemurs in Madagascar. He has resumed his kingship in the Central Park Zoo. King Julien is the ultimate party animal who is always looking for fun. King Julien has a totally opposite philosophy than the penguins and often goes head to head against them. He butts in on the penguins’ missions or gets into trouble himself, however, King Julien has helped them and saved their little penguin behinds a few times.

Maurice: Maurice is King Julien’s chief advisor. He takes his role very seriously. Maurice does his best to keep King Julien under control and happy by bribing the other animals to perform whatever King Julien wants.

Mort: Mort is the cute and cuddly mouse lemur who gets no respect. He is King Julien’s biggest fan and loves the king’s feet. As cute as he is, most of the zoo animals find him incredibly annoying with his big eyes and squeaky voice.

The Monkeys

Mason: Mason is the monkey who talks and interprets what Phil is saying. He has a love for coffee and ‘throwing poo’ at visitors. Mason and Phil relay much of the zoo’s internal information to the penguins.

Phil: Phil may be the more intelligent monkey of the two since he can read. Phil does not talk but instead uses sign language that Mason interprets. He has been seen drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

The Otter

Marlene: Marlene was not in either Madagascar movie but has befriended the penguins and the lemurs when they returned to the Central Park Zoo. Marlene is from California and is the only girl animal in their tight-knit group. She gives them a unique perspective on what is expected of the zoo animals without picking sides.

The penguins and lemurs often disagree with each other. This conflict causes issues between Skipper and King Julien with Marlene and the monkeys in the middle. In the end, the penguins and the lemurs work together in order to complete any mission that the Central Park Zoo throws at them.


My love of the Penguins of Madagascar

Karla News

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