Categories: TRAVEL

Nove, Italy – Exquisite Pottery and Birthplace of the ‘Chicken Pitcher’

The little Italian town of Nove overflows with a love for beautiful pottery and the talent to deliver. Although not as fancy (or as pricey) as Deruta, Nove’s wares beam with sunshine and seem to embody the exuberant spirit of the country and her people.

Simply drive through the town and stumble on shop after shop after shop! From delicate porcelain to splashy decorative pieces and earthy country items, the town seems to have a little something for every taste. Artists are happy to show their talent as they put their soul into each and every brush stroke. Some will even offer to personalize their work for you, making a simple purchase into a future family heirloom.

Nove is famous for its ‘Chicken Pitcher’. Back in the Renaissance days, the Medicis were the wealthiest and most powerful family in Italy. In addition to the vast amount of land, the family were also immense patrons of the arts – many timeless musicians and artists owe their fame to a Medici. Giuliano Medici was a bit of a party animal and was known to throw a bash at the drop of a hat. The Pazzis (a rival family) played on this trait and had an internal contact suggest to Giuliano that a party be held in the little village of Gallina. He’d never had a party there before and that, in and of itself, was a good enough reason so plans commenced. The Pazzis planned on attacking Giuliano in the middle of the night as he slept off the copious amounts of wine he’d ingested earlier. The attackers snuck into Gallina and had to cross a yard to get to the sleeping Medici. Fortunately for him, the yard happened to be full of chickens which began cackling in a flurry of excitement when the intruders entered. The guards were awakened by the commotion and caught the would-be assassins before they could get to Giuliano. Of course, this was cause for another party and Giuliano commissioned ceramic wine pitchers to be made in the likeness of the chickens for their lifesaving warning.


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