Categories: Movies

New Scenes Shot for Blade Runner Box Set Release

The second half of this year will see the release of the, “Blade Runner” Box Set. The set will not only include never before seen footage. It will also contain newly shot scenes for the 25-year-old movie. Many consider “Blade Runner” to be Ridley Scott’s best work.

Joanna Cassidy, who played the Replicant Zhora in the movie, has stated that she has been part of newly shot scenes. According to her official website, she has been a part of the reshooting of many of her original scenes, and at least one new scene.

According to her website, Joanna has kept her original costume from, “Blade Runner,” in her closet for all of these years. Amazingly, she still fits the suit after twenty-six years.

There have been other movies in the past that have been re-released with newly shot scenes only to have a backlash from fans. The redone versions of “Star Wars” would be a prime example of this.

“Blade Runner,” is considered to be a classic movie by many science fiction fans. Director Ridley Scott has stated that he had never been happy with the way the movie turned out.

According to many sources, Scott also asked Harrison Ford to reshoot some of the scenes from the original “Blade Runner.” Ford has been very negative abou8t the movie in the past and has stated that he was upset that he ever worked on the project.

The “Blade Runner” Box Set is scheduled to have deleted scenes, the new scenes, commentary, and extended scenes. Many movies are actually two to three times longer then the version that is released in theatres.

The director will shoot many extra scenes to decide later what will work, and what will not. With the advent of DVD technology, many directors began adding these deleted scenes to give a better understanding of the original ideas about the movie.

The current DVD versions of “Blade Runner” only include a few extra scenes, or extended scenes. Many have criticized Ridley Scott in the past because of the lack of extras on the “Blade Runner” DVDs in the past. Scott promises that this multi-disk set will include more extras then any fan of the movie could ever ask for.

The movie, “Blade Runner,” was based off of the book, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.” Dick and Scott had a cordial relationship about the film, even though Dick was very upset about the way that characters were developed in “Blade Runner.” Phillip K. Dick died four months after the release of the film from a stroke.

“Blade Runner” will always be considered as one of the great classic science fiction films. It will be interesting to se if the fans accept the new version with open arms, or turned up noses.


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