Natural Ways to Prevent and Treat Cavities

Cavities are a common occurrence for many people but they don’t have to be. Reducing the occurrence of cavities, repairing them, and even preventing them can be done with a few small steps without fillings and without harsh chemicals or additives.

Cavities generally form when the outer layer of a tooth and its enamel wear down exposing the softer and more vulnerable portions of the tooth. These holes in the hard outer protection allow everything from bacteria to food and drink particles access to the softer insides of your teeth. Acidic foods and beverages, as well as sugary drinks can wreak havoc on your teeth by wearing away the protective layer and eating away at the inner tooth.

A simple preventive measure is to cut down on the amount of acidic foods and drinks you consume as well as the amount of sugar you consume; sugary drinks being the worst offender. You don’t have to cut these out of your diet completely, just cut back a bit. Adding more calcium to your diet is also beneficial to both your bones and your teeth.

But say you already have the start of a cavity; either discovered through soreness of your tooth or an X-ray by your dentist’s office, what do you do? A lot of dentists will immediately want to fill the tooth, but depending on the severity of the cavity; many early stage cavities can be controlled or reversed. I know because as of writing this (2008) I am 25 with no cavity fillings and only one potential cavity. This ‘potential’ cavity has been visible via X-ray for about 2 years and about a year ago I was told to start using ACT mouthwash after my brushing and mouthwash routines. ACT is fortified with sodium fluoride which can help repair soft spots in your teeth and is a critical nutrient needed for strong teeth.

I don’t floss as often as I should, I brush 1-2 times daily, and I use Listerine mouthwash 1-2 times a day. I started using ACT a few times a week and within a few months the cavity had actually grown smaller and had not reached the inner core of my tooth. I still drink sugary drinks and acidic foods, but I’ve cut back and added ACT to my routine on an almost daily basis now. As long as the weakened spot on a tooth hasn’t reached the point where it is allowing open access to the inner core of a tooth; fluoride treatment can help fix the weak spots.

Fluoride is a critical nutrient for strong teeth; with so much filtered water being consumed, the fluoride once present in water is often missing and that was where many people got their needed amounts. Fortified mouthwashes are one of the best ways to get fluoride to your teeth. Some people falsely believe that fluoride is bad for individuals, but in proper amounts fluoride can keep your teeth strong and even reduce the risk of getting a cavity.

A good diet and the addition of fluoride treatments is the best way to naturally prevent cavities and treat the beginnings of a cavity. It’s important to note that if a cavity has become visible deep inside the tooth or the tooth itself is loose and soft to the touch, a filling or removal will be required; so preventive measures are generally the best defense before it gets to that point.

Karla News

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