Categories: Music

My Top Ten Favorite Songs from No Doubt

When I was little, my sister introduced me to her favorite band of all time, No Doubt. I instantly fell in love with their music as well as their lead singer Gwen Stefani. Here are my top ten favorite songs from No Doubt.

(Names with a * symbol next to it have been changed for privacy protection)

“Dark Blue” – Dark Blue by No Doubt is from their third album, Return of Saturn. This song has a deep meaning not only to me but also, Gwen Stefani, No Doubts lead singer. Gwen wrote Dark Blue for her brother committed suicide in December of 1987. This song reminds me of an ex of mine. Cole* was very depressed and no matter how hard I tried, nothing could change his thoughts or feelings. He killed himself in May 2000.

“Comforting Lie” – Lying will get you know where. Eventually the truth will come out and you are stuck in a hole deeper than what you started out in. Unfortunately, we all do it at one time or another. No Doubts song Comforting Lie explains to a T, a situation I was faced with a few years back. I was torn between my first love and my best friend. Nick* was my boyfriend of almost a year and a half. He was crazy about me which made him a very jealous and manipulative person. Stephan* was my very first best friend and we knew each other better than anyone else in our lives. He drove me home from school one day and kissed me, telling me that he saw me more than just a friend. I knew I loved Stephan* but I was so scared to hurt Nick*. I was lying to Nick*, hiding my secret relationship with Stephan*. When I was around Nick* I would act like a completely different person, someone not myself. In the end, I was sick of all the lying and deceit; I finally let the truth come out. It was like a huge bomb that was building up for months and was set off by a few words.

“Simple Kind Of Life” – Every woman dreams about finding Mr. Right, getting married, and starting a family. While it is easy to dream, the hardest part to make the dream a reality is finding that perfect man for them. I believe that it is safe to say that every woman has had relationships that just didn’t work out. Sometimes those relationships start out great and blossom into a beautiful, loving commitments, but then they start to fail. You get that sense that your judgment has failed you, and the man that you thought would propose next year ends up leaving your heart torn to pieces. Wondering what went wrong, you beg for a second chance to make it right. It makes you yearn for what could have been. Simple Kind of Life, also on the Return to Saturn album, is about exactly that. We get so caught up in life and love, anticipating the day our first child is born with the man of our dreams, but it never works out that way. We wish that we could have the Simple Kind of Life.

“Just A Girl” – Growing up I was always a daddy’s girl. He was quite strict on me, which at the time, it made me feel overprotected. I know now that he was trying to protect me, because I was his little girl growing up too fast. He wasn’t prepared for me to start liking boys or go out with friends to shop for cute clothes. My father knew what it was like to be a teenage, hormone-raged boy because he was one of them years ago. Just A Girl is about being a female who is sheltered from the world. When she is finally let out, she wants to run away and see what she has been missing.

“The Climb” – From their second album, Tragic Kingdom, The Climb is a song about life itself. You go climb your way up through life, trying not to look down so you don’t fall. Each step is placed carefully, passing many obstacles. Life keeps going, like a rope that leads to the clouds. You climb to the top and sometimes you may even get the urge to just give up and let go. The Climb has a positive look on life. If you keep climbing and refuse to give up, you will make it.

Detective” – No Doubts song, Detective, is about catching your lover cheating on you. Woman can always sense when their partner is up to no good. Sometimes it’s just jealousy, other times there are red flags raised. We will go through your phone for phone numbers you have never had before, search your pant pockets while doing laundry for other females names, hug you when you get home but secretly sniff your neck for the scent of a perfume other than our own. We are all guilty of it ladies. As much it hurts to catch your man being unfaithful, we always play Detective to find the truth.

“That’s Just Me” – That’s Just Me was released on a collection album called Beacon Street Collection. This song is my life motto. I am me and there is no one in this world that can change that. We are all different people. My beliefs, thoughts, and emotions make me what I am, as yours make you as well. Everyone should learn that no two people will ever be the same. You can’t mold them into something you want them to be.

“Waiting Room” – On their forth album, Rock Steady, they made a song called Waiting Room which Prince made an appearance in. This song would play in my head after every date I ever went on. First dates are always nerve wracking, especially if you are meeting that person for the first time. When the date is over, you think back on it and pick out all the things you believe you should have done differently. “I should have put more perfume on. What if he didn’t like my perfume? I shouldn’t have worn that perfume. Was I eating too fast? Maybe I should have eaten slower.” Pacing your living room floors, you anticipate his call. Waiting for the phone to ring, is like waiting for your name to be called at the doctors office. Sign your name and sit patiently while others are called before you.

“Six Feet Under” – When I first heard Six Feet Under, I vowed to listen to it on every birthday of mine. This song is very upbeat and gives you a positive boost of energy. It makes you want to get up, jump around, and forget everything around you. This song is about the life cycle. You wake up in the morning and sleep at night from the moment you are born. Every year you celebrate another 365 days of being alive. Eventually, as the years pass, you grow old and see your own children become grandparents. Then you pass away to end up Six Feet Under.

“Bathwater” – Bathwater, from their Return to Saturn album, is about knowing of your lovers past. We like to believe that there was no one before us, that we were the first ones you said I love you to. In the back of our minds we know that is far from the truth. We ask you about your exes and how far it went. We want to know despite how much it hurts.

Karla News

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