Categories: Nonprofit Information

My Life as a Wish Granter: The Joy of Bringing Hopes and Smiles to Others

It has been 15 years since I began my journey as a Wish Granter for a major wish organization. I have never regretted it. There are so many wonderful stories, uplifting events, and simply priceless memories that I have both shared and acquired. Here is just one sample of how a simple act can transform a child’s life. The wish, event, and story is true. Real names and places have been omitted as a confidentiality measure. Enjoy…

First of all, you may be asking “What is a Wish Granter?” Wish granters are the laison between the wish organization’s administrative office and the wish families. We are responsible for finding out what the child’s wish is and to make it as memorable as possible. We work in teams, with a lead and partner wish granter. It takes work, it is not an easy endeavor.

One particular wish stands out in my mind. My wish child for this article was named Brian. Brian was a 7 year old diagnosed with a brain tumor. He was walking with the aid of a walker and could not speak properly. He was deteriorating quickly.

We found out that Brian was fascinated by knights from the Medieval era. In fact, his wish was to be a knight in shining armor.

After much preparation and contacting, it came down to his wish consisting of a Hollywood costumer designer (from a major television show) coming to his hometown to fit him for his armored suit. That was the first step.

A party was planned that would involve the wish family, costume designer, and wish granters. The costume designer flew to the party, took the measurements, and Brian was just thrilled. He kept pointing to the plume for his helmet. That was the most important thing to him.

What was important to everyone else in the room was the fact that when Brian was asked by the costume designer to come sit next to her, he walked without the assistance of his walker. It was the first time he had ever done that. His eyes were beaming with excitement, he was smiling ear to ear, and he suddenly had something else to think about other than his mobility concern. Everyone simply gasped. It was a wonderful sight to see.

The costume designer flew to the party just for the few hours it took for the measurements. Upon entering the party, she surprised everyone with an exquisite handcrafted leather photo album. She wanted to be sure that the family would have something to remember Brian’s wish forever.

My wish family was thrilled because the party was set up in a suite at a local hotel. The room had a Jacuzzi. The bedroom had a television. The family just loved sitting on the bed watching it! The mom was so thrilled she said she was not going to leave. She loved the phone in the bathroom!

So, Brian was measured. The costumer designer left. Everyone was happy.

A few days later, Brian and his family were flown to Hollywood to the studios of a major motion picture company. He was going to wear his suit of armor and be on the television show that the costume designer worked on.

The wish went remarkably well. For a few days out of his life, Brian and his family had a chance to be taken outside of the doctors, hospital, medical tests, and associated doldrums.

To this day, I smile thinking about it. That is the power of wish granting.

Karla News

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