Categories: Movies

Movie Review – Modigliani (2004)

This was the most depressing film I have ever watched. I wanted to see the movie because I had seen an exhibition of Modigliani’s works at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York a few years ago, and I also included Modigliani in my series of The Painting Masters.

I knew from my research that Modigliani had led a dissipated life even though he had tuberculosis since he was a child. I was not prepared for the sadness and debauchery that was portrayed in the movie. There were no scenes of happiness in the film.

Although Modigliani was a great artist, he was not recognized in his lifetime for his talent. It was only after his death that his paintings became fashionable and desired by collectors.

Modigliani’s great love, Jeanne Hebuterne, was the inspiration for a great many of his paintings. The movie centered around the fact that Jeanne’s Catholic family was incensed that Jeanne had a baby out of wedlock by Modigliani who was Jewish. They tried several times to have the baby taken away from Jeanne causing anguish to both her and Modigliani.

Another aspect of the movie concentrated on the rivalry between Pablo Picasso and Amadeo, which is somewhat fictitious. In the movie, they were both encouraged to enter an art competition. Amadeo needed the money desperately; Picasso entered finally just to compete with Modigliani. See the movie to find out the outcome.

I had a clear picture in my mind of what Modigliani looked like, having seen some pictures of him. He was quite handsome and was said to be 5 feet 5 inches in height. Women were very attracted to him. Andy Garcia did not fit the picture that I have of Modigliani. His portrayal was also very weak, thereby adding to my disappointment and, I am assuming, that of other viewers.

The concentration of sad events – Modigliani’s tuberculosis attacks, his drunkenness, his fighting, his extreme poverty – was overpowering and a poor substitute for entertainment. I would not waste my money or my time on viewing this movie. To make matters worse, one incident was factual in a sea of controversial fictional presentations. His love, Jeanne, upon his death, leaped from a building to her own death and that of her unborn child.

This story surely will not make your day.


Movie – Modigliani (2004)

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