Categories: Beauty

Miss Piggy – Unexpected Role Model

As a child my favourite time of day was seven pm when I would wrap up in my flannel pink spotted pajamas, my little hands wrapped around a cup of hot chocolate, knees pulled up to my chest as I stared at the television screen while I anxiously waiting to hear the first strains of The Muppets Show theme song.

I loved to see Kermit slide onto the stage and announce the acts, I would giggle at Staler and Waldorf’s snide remarks even though I did not always understand them but my favourite part was when the flamboyant Miss Piggy would fill up the screen. Whether she was bursting out of her clothes or smoothering Kermit the frog in kisses filled with unwanted affection or karate chopping Kermit because he fervantly fought of her affections and attentions, I was enthralled by her and before I reached an age of discovering perfume, makeup and boys I wanted to be just like her.

No, I didn’t want to be a pig, but I wanted to be just like her in spirit she was bolsy and fiesty but sweet natured all the same. Miss Piggy knew who she was and was unapologetic for the things others perceived to be flaws. Miss Piggy exuded confidence, she knew what she wanted in life (mainly fame and kermit, in that order) and wasn’t afraid to grab onto it with both hands. Frank Oz, the voice of Miss Piggy said in Time Magazine in 1978, “She wants everyone to treat her like a lady, and if they don’t, she’ll cut them in half.”

I wanted to have that confidence and certainty with in myself. I wanted to be proud of who I was without feeling as if I needed to conform to society’s expectations.

Miss Piggy was confident and bolshey but more than that she was intensely loyal – she always stood by her man (even when she didn’t want her to) and was fiercely protective of her Kermy, if anyone insulted or slighted him they’d feel the wrath of Piggy – usually in the form of a Karate chop.

In today’s world where sexualised images are everywhere and pre-teen and teenage stars are photographed being provocative, scantily clad, consuming alcohol and smoking; isn’t it better for little girls to look up to someone – albeit a puppet – who has a true sense of self worth, morals and loyalty?


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