Categories: Legal

Methadone Should Be Illegal

First off for those that do not know please let me give you a little background as to what methadone is. Methadone is an opiate that is used for pain and for other addictions. People that are addicted to heroin and/or other pain killers are usually put in a program to ‘detox’ and put on Methadone. Once you are in the program you must get evaluated and put on the correct dosage for your body. Upon doing that you must report to the clinic every morning to get your dose. Over time you may earn the right to be able to have ‘take home’ methadone which you are solely responsible for keeping safe and out of reach of anyone that is not supposed to come into contact with it. With time, you are supposed to slowly detox and lower your dosage until eventually you are completely not dependent on the drug anymore.

All the while this is going on the government is making money off of the fact that you are still a dependent drug addict. You are charged anywhere from $11 a day to $300-$400 a month to get your daily dose of methadone. Everything is supposed to be so safe and full of rules but it is not. Everyday outside of the clinic people wait for the people who get take home to come outside and then some turn around and sell it to drug addicts that are not in the program. Or, they sell it on the streets. People will pay high dollar for Methadone because it is almost the same as heroin. This goes on everyday and no one does anything to stop it.

The people in the program that have take home are supposed to keep their methadone in a locked container at all times. But really, who is monitoring this? No one. Who is making sure this legal, lethal drug is not ending up in the streets? No one. Who is making sure methadone is not getting into the hands of our children? No one. What kind of world are we living in where people are dying everyday from a legal drug that they were never supposed to have access to in the first place? How is this right? The government is too busy making money off of the poor drug addicts, some of whom want to get better and some of whom do not want to get better, to care about how many people are dying.

When will this end? I am beginning to think that it will never stop. People will continue to die and the government will continue to look the other way as the money goes into their pockets. Where is the justice for the people that have died that should not have because they should not have been able to get methadone? If you get pulled over and you have marijuana you get arrested. If you get caught with cocaine you will be arrested. Heroin will catch you a nice long sentence. But methadone, that is totally legal. Why? Why is one worse than the other?

I want to speak for those who no longer can. I want to advocate the fact that no drug should be better than another. It should not be legal for you to be high all day and the government makes money off of it. I want this to end. I want to be able to look at my children and be able to explain to them why their father died. I cannot answer their questions. Someone gave him methadone and he died. He should never have been able to access this drug. Instead, someone willing gave him their dosage.Henever lived to tell about it. The person that did this remains free. Where is the justice? Where is the humanity? How many more must die before someone cares? How many more children have to grow up without a father before someone stops and listens? If you cannot explain it to me, explain it to my children. Look my daughter and son in the face and tell them that it is ok that their father is gone. Tell them that the money means more than his life. I cannot say that because it is not true. I cannot put a price on a human life. Money means nothing to me. I want my husband back. I want my children to have a father. By allowing the government to continue this insanity you are saying that it is ok for innocent people to die. Can you look in the mirror everyday and live with that? If you can I feel sorry for you. I want this to end. Please help me stop this.

No one has the right to play God. Not me, not you, not the government. Please help me in my fight. I want this to be right. I do not want my husband to have died for nothing. He meant to much to me for that. The others that have died matter to someone too. Please do not wait until it is someone you love before you care. Let’s end it now before it’s too late.

Karla News

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