Categories: TRAVEL

Meaningful Vacation Souvenirs: From Collectibles to Picture Frames

Everyone enjoys a nice vacation whether it is alone, with your friends or family or a trip with all of the kids. You may go relax on a beach or sightsee the local attractions in a far-away city. Whatever you do and wherever you go, you want to remember your vacation. Pictures and souvenirs are usually the way that we preserve the memory of our favorite trips.

According to Random House Unabridged Dictionary, a souvenir is a usually small and relatively inexpensive article given, kept, or purchased as a reminder of a place visited, an occasion, etc.; memento; a memory.

If you are like me, when purchasing vacation mementos you consider where it will be displayed in your house. Will it be another knick-knack to dust or a souvenir with a purpose? Here are some souvenir purchasing ideas that will keep your vacation memories close to your heart, but also serve a purpose.

Picture Frames

You can find many different styles of frames at most vacation destinations whether it be in a tourist shop or a local shop. Choose a fun, whimsical frame that speaks of the area or one that simply spells out the city or country you visit. Put a special picture from your trip and find the perfect spot to display.

Refrigerator Magnets

This is a personal favorite for my family. We always choose a magnet from every place we visit. It serves a purpose while reminding us of our trip. There are always many to choose from wherever we go and the price of magnets is well within our souvenir budget. Magnets also make great gifts for friends and family since they are inexpensive and small for travel.

Plates and Mugs

Plates are a wonderful memento. Use these as serving platters for dinners, parties, and desserts. As long as they are safe for food, it is fun to use your vacation plates during dinner one evening. Give everyone a different plate and have fun remembering the trips that you have taken. Mugs have always been a souvenir favorite for many. Who doesn’t have tons of miscellaneous mugs in their cupboard? Enjoy coffee every morning in a different city.

T-Shirts and Other Clothing

These make a great gift especially for children. I am reminded of my trip when I see my daughter wearing the sun dress I brought back for her from Jamaica. We have t-shirts from all over the globe. Many of which were gifts from family members. T-shirts representing a sports team or favorite restaurant are good ideas. Make sure that you buy something you like and will wear so they don’t end up in the bottom of your drawer.


Thimbles, bells, and spoons are a few of the many items that make good collectibles. They don’t take up much space, can be displayed in a unique case, and can lead to quite a large collection. I have over 100 thimbles from my father’s business travels and my personal vacations. Collections can be a family tradition to pass on to your daughter or son.

Local Commodities

Purchasing an item native to the area or made from something found where you vacation makes a great souvenir. A teacup from England, colorful blanket from Mexico, weaved basket from Jamaica, seashells from the ocean, cool chopsticks from China, stacking dolls from Russia, and a leather belt from Italy are all items that make nice usable souvenirs.

Give your souvenir selection and purchase a little thought and you will have a nice item that serves a purpose and helps you remember a great vacation.

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