Categories: Nonprofit Information

McDonald’s Phone Number

McDonalds is one of the most popular fast food restaurant chains in the world. After absolutely dominating America, the company has come to expand into European countries and even China. Go figure one of the centerpieces of American capitalism goes into a communist country. Anyway, you are not here for a history lesson on the expansion of business of this restaurant. You are looking for McDonald’s phone number. The corporate number is 1-800-244-6227. Now this is a very general request and you may want a more specific phone number, say to you’re nearest franchise location. Well your going to have to look that up in a phone book somewhere. Or you could try Yellow Book online if you are so inclined.

Otherwise, the corporate number should be all you need. With it you can contact the corporate offices to request your info if you are an employee. As a customer, you can do a number of things such as complain or compliment on a franchise’s service, food or menu, be redirected to a local McDonalds or find out information about the company. Again I’ll repeat it here, McDonalds phone number is 1-800-244-6227.

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