Learn What it Takes to Become a Professional Model

Many girls (and some boys) have spent a larger part of their life dreaming of becoming a model. If you’re lucky enough to get steady work as a model, it can be a very lucrative career. There’s a lot of competition, though. Before you plan on becoming the next Tyra Banks, you should understand how the industry works, and weigh out your options.

Types of Models: People usually associate the word “model” with very tall, skinny, beautiful people. It is not true that all models are drop-dead gorgeous people. In fact, “beautiful people” probably make up the smallest percentage of the modeling industry. Different types of models include; fashion models (aka, runway models), print models, plus-size models, promotional models, child models, senior models, and many more. Fashion models are the stereotypically tall and skinny people who walk down runways, print models are the people you see in catalogs and advertisements, and promotional models are the people you see at events promoting a product.

Know What Type of Model You Are: Before you decide that you’re going to be the next world famous, supermodel, you should know the requirements. The proverbial “supermodel,” usually starts out as a runway model. To be a runway model you have to meet certain height and weight requirements. The average height and weight for females is 5’10”, 115 lbs. The average height and weight for males is 5’11, 150 lbs. in both cases it should be assumed that your body is in good shape and that you have an attractive face.

Print modeling is a much more diverse type of modeling. To be a print model there really are no definite physical requirements. You can be just about any height and weight, and even your face can be average. The most important thing about being a print model is having a good personality and not being camera shy. Being attractive is always an added bonus, but is not always what an advertiser is a looking for. For example, if a pharmaceutical company was designing a print ad for heartburn medication, I doubt they would be looking for a skinny 19 year old girl with big boobs and blonde hair. They would probably be more interested in an average looking man or woman in their late 30’s. You never know what kind of look a certain ad may require.

Promotional models are usually all-around attractive college girls/guys. Just about anyone between the ages of 18 – 25 with an attractive smile and good personality can become a promotional model. However, the pay is low and work is seldom. A promotional model is usually paid about $15 an hour, and will usually only work for a few hours at a time.

Finding an Agency: If you’re just looking for some quick cash once and a while, you could probably seek out your own bookings. If you plan on making modeling your career, you should definitely find an agency to work for. Finding a good agency can be difficult. Obviously, you should beware of scams. A lot of companies may try to tell you that you need to go through their training program, or that you need new headshots from their photographer. These places are typically scams. They will try to get as much money from you upfront as they can, because they know they won’t get you any decent work later. An easy way to avoid these types of companies, is by making sure you already have a good portfolio. If you already have a good portfolio, they won’t be able to sell you anything. A good portfolio consists of an 8×10 headshot, a comp card (which I will explain later), and a few samples of previous work (which means you’ll have to book some jobs on your own first). You should take your portfolio to as many agencies as possible, and see which one’s come back to you with an offer. You shouldn’t worry about having to tell the agencies what type of modeling work you want to do. Your portfolio will give them a good idea of what you’re good for. If an agency rejects you, don’t sweat it. Sooner or later, you will find the one that is looking for your look.

Comp Card: “Comp card” is a term you will hear frequently in the modeling industry. The term “comp card” is short for “composite card.” A comp card is what modeling agencies use to get you work. They usually consist of four pictures on one 8.5″x5.5″ sheet. Each picture is of you standing in a different pose wearing a different outfit. It is important that you hire a fashion photographer to do your comp card. Let me repeat that, a “fashion” photographer. Do not pay your friend to do it, or hire a wedding photographer, portrait photographer, or any other type of photographer. Only a fashion photographer will know what agencies want to see when looking at a comp card. Your comp card is your resume. It is very important.

Now that you know the basics, you’re ready to go out their and start your career as a model. Never forget that modeling is one part hard work, two parts luck. Only a very small percentage of people find any success in the modeling business. Give it your best shot for a couple of years, but if it doesn’t work out, you should move on to something else. It is best to keep modeling something you do for fun and extra money; and if you get lucky, you lucky. If not, it’s no big deal.

Karla News

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