Categories: Food & Wine

Kraft Real Mayo Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is a food product that I use on a regular basis. For many years, the brand of mayonnaise that I have used more than any other has been Hellmann’s Mayonnaise. Recently however, my Father brought over a brand of mayonnaise that I had never seen or used before. The brand of mayonnaise that I am referring to is Kraft Real Mayo Mayonnaise.

To me, Kraft Real Mayo Mayonnaise is just as good a product as the Hellmann’s Mayonnaise. It offers a smooth and creamy texture and a subtle flavor that does not overpower other foods. This product is competitively – priced and is available at food retailers everywhere. Presented here, in an effort to assist the consumer, is one food writer’s consumer product review of Kraft Real Mayonnaise.

Kraft Real Mayonnaise is packaged in a container unlike any others I have seen before. The container is rectangular and thin, yet is also fairly tall and has some rounded edges. While this container does not necessariy take up much storage space, it also does not close all that effectively. After the container of Kraft Real Mayonnaise has been opened, the top lid does not snap into place or seal. Rather, the plastic lud simply rests against the body of the receptacle and fits very loosely.

The net weight of the Kraft Real Mayo container is 32 ounces. According to the product label, the package contains 64 one – tablespoon servings of mayonnaise. In physical size, the Kraft Real Mayonnaise container is very easy to store and because of its unusual shape, can fit in spaces that more traditional – shaped mayonnaise containers can not.

The texture of Kraft Real Mayo Mayonnaise is one of the factors that sets this product apart from other brands and makes me really enjoy eating this product. I feel that this brand of mayonnaise is not as quite as thick as some other brands of mayonnaise. The texture, or consistency of the Kraft Real Mayonnaise seems smoother, lighter and creamier than most other brands of mayo to me and it mixes well with all types of foods.

The normal retail price charged for one 32 ounce container of Kraft Real Mayonnaise at Hartford, Connecticut area supermarkets is approximately $4.39. Considering the number of servings, high – quality, great texture and excellent flavor, I think that the retail price charged for this product is very reasonable.,

Nutritional Facts
Kraft Real Mayonnaise contains 90 calories, with 90 ? calories from fat, per serving. This product also contains 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams trans fat, 10 grams total fat, 5.0 mg of cholesterol, 0 grams total carbohydrates, 70 mg of sodium, 0 grams of sugars, 0 grams of dietary fiber and 0 grams of protein.

Taste / Flavor
When it comes to taste, Kraft Real Mayonnaise offers a delightful flavor that is unique among varieties of mayonnaise. The flavor of this mayonnaise is definitely subtler than that of most other brands of mayo, yet it is still just as satisfying.

One thing that I really like about the flavor of Kraft Real Mayo Mayonnaise is that its light and subtlr flavor allows the flavors of foods that it accompanies or is mixed with to really shine through. Whereas with many brands of mayo, the flavor of the foods that it is mixed with tend to become over – powered by the mayonnaise itself, such is not the case with Kraft Real Mayonnaise.

Even the color of Kraft Real Mayo Mayonnaise is rich, yet subtle. Since I am a trained chef, I have made mayonnaise from scratch several times. In my opinion, the color of Kraft Real Mayo is closer to real, from – scratch mayo than any other brand I have seen.

Overall Rating
Kraft Real Mayo Mayonnaise is a delicious, high – quality product that is every bit as good, if not better than any other brand of mayonnaise that I have eaten. It features a great texture that produces a very pleasant mouth – feel. This brand of mayonnaise is competitively – priced and is stocked and sold at food retailers everywhere. Kraft Real Mayonnaise is highly recommended by this food writer.

Sources :
Personal experience with the product
The product label

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