Categories: Marketing

Job Ideas for the Stay at Home Mom

Many mothers wish they could stay home with their children but cannot afford to lose any income they bring in by working. In today’s two income world it can be difficult to live off of a single income for many families. Here are some suggestions that may help you earn extra money and be able to stay home with your family.

1. Writing. If you have a way with words you may be able to bring in a descent amount of money each month. There are thousands of magazines who pay anywhere from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars for good articles that they can publish. If you are knowledgeable about a topic and have a flair for writing you can earn money by writing and selling articles for magazines interested in that topic. Go online and find the magazine’s website, many have their submission guidelines listed on their site for interested writers.

If you are not confident enough to throw yourself into the magazine world there are many sites that you can sell your work to for money. Associated content is one such site that pays from $3 to $20 per article that you submit. Many writers submit several articles each day and make a fairly good amount of income doing so. They are now offering a performance bonus to their writers so that you can collect some of the money generated from page views by your work.

Constant Content is another site that you can use to sell your work. You can host your articles with them and set a price that you are hoping to sell your work for. Many companies looking for articles to add to their websites, magazines, and newsletters use Constant Content as a source to buy from. Once your article is bought you receive payment for it.

You can also search online for freelance writing jobs. Sites such as Online Writing Jobs, Indeed, and Writers Weekly all showcase jobs offered to freelance writers.

2. Blog. OK, so blogging is similar to writing, but it really needs its own section. If you already keep a blog or are interested in starting one there are ways to generate a small amount of money from your blog. Large companies such as Google, Amazon, eBay, and more offer money to bloggers who add their ads on their blogs. The payments are calculated per click from your site. If you have an informative blog that many people stop at you can pull extra income from the ad clicks you generate. Many other companies pay percentages of their sales for hosting links to their online stores. Websites such as Commission Junction allow you to browse through many businesses and pick exactly what you want to advertise for on your blog. It is free to join Commission Junction and free to search through the companies offered. You simply choose the company, choose which of their ads you want to use, copy and paste the code into your blog, and you are done.

If you would rather not place ads up on your blog you can join one of the many sites available now that pay you for writing advertisements on your blog. Pay Per Post, Loud Launch, Blogvertise, Blogitive, and many more offer small payments to choose and write about various companies. Everything from dating sites, electronic stores, credit cards, and more are using this new way to get more press for their sites or services.

There are also some blogging sites that pay you to blog. 451Press, BlogCharm, Bloggerparty, and Writingup all promise to pay people to blog with them. These sites host the blogs, put up the ads, and manage everything. The bloggers simply write and receive a part of the profit made from the ads.

3. Coding and data entry. There are many places offering work at home jobs for people who are willing and able to do coding and data entry work. Often the only qualifications are having high speed internet, good typing skills, and be able to upload and download files from their computer. Companies such as Cypher Services, Dion Data Services, Virtual Office Temps, and Connect Plus are often hiring. The pay is often comparable to that of an outside the home job, though you have to be able to work as many hours as you would an outside the home job. For some parents it can be difficult to be able to work with young children in the house that need attention and care. An important thing to remember is that no legitimate job will ask you for money. There are several companies that claim to offer data entry and clerical work for an upfront fee, these are usually scams.

4. Tutoring. If you are knowledgeable, experienced, and have a degree there are many online tutoring jobs available for you. eSylvan, Smart Thinking, CourseBridge, OnlineLearning, and Universal Class are all internet based study programs that hire adults to tutor from their own homes. This is the perfect opportunity for anyone who has a degree in teaching and chooses to stay home. The hours are often flexible and can be scheduled to fit in the tutor’s day. A good computer and high speed internet is often required.

5. Translation. Do you speak a second language, or two or three? There are many companies that need to translate their information for potential clients. If you are fluent in more than one language this may be the perfect work from home job for you. Many companies hire translators through staffing services such as TRADUguide, SDL International, Melnychenko, WorldLingo, and ENDOS. All of those companies offer jobs that you can do from your home computer.

These are just a few of the opportunities available for mothers who want to stay home and also earn some extra income. You can find many more by searching online in sites aimed at work at home jobs, in posting sites such as Craig’s List, and by talking to other stay at home moms to see how they earn extra money. With a little patience you can find something that is right for you.


Karla News

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