Categories: Fertility & Pregnancy

Jamie Lynn Spears – Second Time’s a Charm

In the latest issue of The National Enquirer, sources claim Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant again. Jamie Lynn Spears, younger sister of pop sensation, Britney Spears, made national news not for her role as Zoey in Nickelodeon’s Zoey 101, but for becoming pregnant at 16. The pregnancy caused lots of anger among many teenage moms who claimed that Jamie Lynn was a role model to their young teenage and pre-teen daughters. Lynne Spears, Britney and Jamie Lynn’s mother was also criticized for letting OK magazine run a cover spread and story on the teenage mother and her fiance, Casey Aldridge, once the baby was born, in many people’s opinion glamorizing teenage pregnancy.

According to The National Enquirer, sources claim that Jamie Lynn had not gotten her period and decided to take a pregnancy test. When the test came back positive she became distraught and broke down in tears. She is supposedly eight weeks along in this second pregnancy. Friends say she [Jamie] did not think she could get pregnant if she was still breastfeeding. This pregnancy comes just 3 months after her daughter, Maddie’s birth. Sources claim friends and family, including her mother Lynne are pushing Jamie to abort the baby. They are trying to explain to her that being a teenage mother is tough with one child and that it will be worse for her to adjust to being a mother to two children at age 17. Jamie Lynn and her mother are not sure how to deal with this new situation.

According to reports Lynne Spears was extremely upset when she found out about the second unplanned pregnancy. Lynne Spears has just published her book – Through The Storm, which explains what it was like raising two kids in the spotlight and dealing with their issues while dealing with criticism from many groups. The second pregnancy also comes as Jamie Lynn is dealing with reports that her and Casey are dealing with a breakup. Reports have surfaced that Casey was involved with a much older woman while Jamie Lynn was pregnant with their first child, Maddie. New reports also indicate that the family had planned to keep all of the pregnancy news a secret even from the second child’s dad.

The National Enquirer claims that it knows the true identity of this baby’s father and that it will be revealed along with more information on this new pregnancy in it’s current issue out in stores.


Karla News

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