Categories: Education

Is Online College Easier Than Attending a College?

Some colleges offer distance learning programs in which a student can register for and take classes online away from campus, or some colleges offer distance learning education where students can obtain a diploma by attending and completing classes online. At first glance online classes sound great, because they are online away from school, but are they really that great?

People do get the misconception that online classes don’t take much effort many figure that they can watch television and chat with friends while taking online classes. Just like on campus classes, online classes take time and dedication, and they might actually be harder and more draining than courses taken on campus.

Online courses are great for individuals who need flexibility or convenience for instance, individuals with children, or individuals whose work schedule includes conflicting hours. Online courses may be harder than on campus courses because school work is not supervised, there is no teacher there in the flesh to talk when a question arises, and there is no teacher there to physically explain the work. Students who work better in an atmosphere with a teacher present or who needs face to face interaction might have a difficult time with online courses.

Online courses may prove to be harder because there are no study groups unless you take it upon yourself to form one with others in the group. Students on campus might have the chance to partner with other students while online students will have to depend on themselves or take the extra step into forming a group, but that may not be too successful since most people attend online courses because they are pressed for time and can not commit to coming in to school.

With online courses, most of the communication between peers will have to be done in writing instead of talking, so if the student is not great at expressing himself through words, online courses may prove difficult.

Online courses may be harder because the student will have to review material and text books alone without the teacher present, and sometimes the text may prove a bit difficult.

Online courses may be difficult if the student does not have the proper computer, having the wrong software will result in many technical difficulties which will cause the student to miss assignments.

Online courses may prove harder than courses taken on campus because they require a student to be internet savvy, so if you are not that good with computers or you get frustrated easily by computers then distance learning may prove a task for you, although the courses are relatively easy to access, and professors usually explain how to access the course through an online orientation.

Socially, it will prove difficult to meet other students, if all of your classes are online, there is no chat room for online classes, so it is highly unlikely you’ll befriend others in your online class unless you already know them, but then again, anything is possible.

Karla News

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