Categories: Movies

Interview with Marlon Wayans for “A Haunted House”

I’ve been a big fan of the Wayans family ever since I first saw “In Living Color” when it premiered back in 1990. Their brand of humor appeals to me mainly because nothing is sacred with them. They are equal opportunity offenders. They’ll throw ANYONE under the bus, whether they be black, white, Chinese, Hispanic, male, female, gay, or straight.

When I was asked to interview Marlon Wayans for his latest movie, “A Haunted House,” I jumped at the chance. How could I turn down talking to the actor who kept me rolling with laughter in such movies as “Senseless,” “Mo’ Money,” “Scary Movie,” and the likes?

You never know what an actor is going to be like until the moment you meet him or her. I’ve learned the hard way not to set myself up for disappointment. I’m happy to say that Marlon was a polite and genuinely funny individual who enjoys making people laugh and entertaining them.

A Haunted House” has Wayans returning to the world of parody films to further exploit the horror genre. “Scary Movie” and “Scary Movie 2” featured the actor in the role of Shorty Meeks, trying to survive to the end of the movies while lampooning fright flicks like “Scream,” “The Haunting,” “The Exorcist,” and many more.

This time around, he plays Malcolm who’s up against a demon that resides in the house he’s moved into with Kisha. The sinister entity begins manifesting itself to the couple and possesses Kisha. Malcolm seeks out help from a psychic, a priest, and a team of ghost-busters to remove the evil force from his home.

As the poster for “A Haunted House” states, “No Horror Movie Is Safe” from being satirized. Every genre film from “The Devil Inside” to “Paranormal Activity” and “The Last Exorcism” are ruthlessly mocked. If you’re ready for some irreverent, over-the-top, and vulgar fun, “A Haunted House” aims to please.

You can hear the entire round table interview I participated in right here.

You can see pictures from the Dallas, TX “A Haunted House” Press Event right here.

For more articles by Eric Shirey, check out:

Blu-ray Review: “Silent Night”
Blu-ray Review: “Snowmageddon”
Blu-ray Review: “Resident Evil: Retribution”

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