Categories: Education

Institute of Children’s Literature Review

After my children had read the new vampire stories that made such a big hit, they began asking me to write for them. I had so often, as they were smaller, made up cute little stories for them. I had done it then, in an attempt to teach reading and spelling, because I was homeschooling. So I began my journey on the internet trying to find a way to better my writing. I typed into the search engine, writing test. I tried another, test your writing skills. It was amazing the things I could fine. None of them what I wanted, except for one.

I looked over the website. Although I felt that it was simple and maybe even too plain. I thought that at least it would let me know if I had some kind of talent. So I filled in my name, address and such. Then I began to fill out the other part. Now when it came time to write in the brief story I almost didn’t do it. My nerves got the best of me and I ended up writing a stupid little story about myself when I was a toddler. The only problem was, and I didn’t think of it at the time, that I wanted to write for teens. Never the less, I finished the test and didn’t even bother to go over it. I figured they either liked it, or they’d never respond.

Not even two weeks after I had sent the test in. Submitting online. I received a phone call from a very friendly woman. I answered and she began “Congratulations,” I was dumbfounded. “Okay, thank you,” I replied. After that she began talking about classes and such and I had to interrupt her so I could find out exactly what was going on. Finally she slowed down to tell me where she was from and that I had been accepted. I honestly think, the confusion, was mainly my part. I hadn’t went to the post office and checked my mail. So I had no way of knowing that I had received a letter from the school. So of course, things would have been easier if I had, I would have known what she was talking about when I answered the phone. Once I was able to figure things out, I sat down and talked to her about the options the school offered, payment wise. I was glad to find out that the course I was going to be taking offered payments of $56 a month, for a year. The only problem, I was broke until tax time. I explained that it would be another couple of weeks before I was able to sign up and she gladly let me know, that would not be a problem.

While waiting on my taxes to come in, I had done research. There were many people talking good about the company as well as a few that had spoken poorly of them. Now having had my own business at one time, I knew that you can’t please all the people all the time. So I checked the BBB and couldn’t find a problem that hadn’t been taken care of. As well, I kept reading posts made by other students and previous students of the Institute of Children’s Literature. There wasn’t anything there that would stop me from signing up to take these classes.

After tax time came, I called the lady that had originally called me, and gave my information for my checking account. I was a little hesitant about this, but figured if she worked for the school, surely I could trust her. After a couple of days I received an email from another lady letting me know they had received my payment and my shipment would be sent shortly. I kept every email I received from them. This way I didn’t have to worry about missing anything important, or forgetting dates.

Once I was enrolled and received my studies, I began to look through them. I had to write my first assignment, which I thought would be a piece of cake, I was way off. The instructor, which is also a well published author, didn’t like it. And in that one minute, my dreams were dashed. I was ready to quit. Of course my husband reminded me, that it’s me. I am very sensitive to criticism. So i tried again, even though I turned it in late, she loved it. I felt empowered. As well as learn that I have to accept the good with the bad.

With each new assignment I had, my instructor helped me every step. She corrected grammar and punctuation, as well as shown me were to cut. I was given directions on extra help to read and a due date for my next one (which gave me a month and a half to almost two months to turn in). Now before you think that this sounds to plain, let me say this. I had been out of school since 1994. I had went to college back in the early 2000’s but when I had written my assignments, they stunk. I mean seriously reeked of poor language. I had been out of touch with the world. Worse part ever, I had written several articles. After some studying, I went back to reread them and couldn’t believe I had written so poorly. So to anyone reading my previous articles, I do so apologize. Anyway back on track, I studied and read through a lot of the things, and anything that caused a problem I could always contact my instructor or one of the forums they have on the website. And I had done so, many times.

After a while though, things began to get hard on us. Holidays were coming and between buying presents for everyone as well as the food for dinner, things were bad. My husband, trying as hard as he could to provide, was out of work for a week when the power failed leaving hundreds out of work, without power, heat or anything else. Meaning it was going to make it even harder to make that payment for the month. So I contacted them and spoke with someone in the student help department, and couldn’t believe that I was allowed to skip not only one month but three. Now mind you, I couldn’t submit assignments during this time, it did however give me a chance to get other things caught up. Which was a God’s send. So for three months I had no payment, but I did have the option of submitting a payment if I so chose to.

Now even though I have still haven’t completed my assignments (10 in all), I still feel I can write this and gladly tell how much I love this place. It is well worth the $56 a month I pay. Even if the only thing it accomplished was to help me write better for my articles, it was still great information.

So in closing, I would greatly and quickly recommend this course to anyone. You can even get college credit for it. That yes, transfers to other colleges. So if your thinking about enrolling, it is worth it. I have learn so many valuable things when it comes to writing. And my newest manuscript, I am working on now, even my eighteen year old niece loves it.

Karla News

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