Incontinence Series: How to Change Your Own Diaper

Due to the immense amount of stigma that accompanies the issue of incontinence, especially if a person must control it by the use of diapers, information is hard to find. The incontinent person may try going online to search for the answers: however, most information about diaper usage is pertaining to babies, as this is society’s standard. This leaves the incontinent individual with many unanswered questions because they are too embarrassed to solicit the help of a physician. To be frank, many are too embarrassed to even go to the doctor for such symptoms, for the reason that they fear being judged or ridiculed since society sets the standards of when one should stop having accidents. So, if you are an individual that has tried all medications and has failed, or must use diapers to control incontinence for other reasons, here is some information on how to change your own. Assuming that you have all of your supplies together, you may begin by following the steps that will fit the way you wish to do things.

In the Lying Down Position

The first thing you’ll need to do is to lie flat on a bed or in another comfortable area making sure all clothing and other fabric is out of the way. Once you are in that position, undo the tapes of the diaper. Bend your knees into a forty-five degree angle putting your feet flat on the surface. This is the position you’ll need to get into to raise yourself up.

Once raised in the air with your bottom off the surface on which you are lying, begin wiping from front to back putting the dirty wipes in the diaper or in a trash bag next to you. Wipe until clean. Keep the dirty diaper beneath you to catch mess or in case you should have an accident. This is a safety precaution.

Now that you’ve cleaned yourself up, roll up the dirty diaper and throw it away. Be sure to dispose of it in an individual plastic bag and tie it up. This will keep odors from permeating the air. Next, unfold the clean diaper and put it beneath you with the tabs in the back. A proper fitting diaper will go about two inches above your tail bone. Apply any cream you need to yourself should you need or want to. And, if you decide you want to use powder, put the powder into your hand rather than sprinkling to avoid mess.

Pull the front of the diaper up between your legs and fasten the tabs. The tabs should be fastened to the front of the diaper. You’re done.

The standing Position

This position is trickier. However, it is the only way you’ll really be able to change yourself in public, as there are no places to lie down. Not to mention, why would you want to lie down in the floor of a public rest room where 1. People can see you by snooping beneath the doors-very inconsiderate and nosy-and 2. It is not sanitary. Of course, you could bring along some blue pads should you feel more comfortable doing things in the lying position: but, most choose to stand in public so long as they are changing their own diapers. Here is what you need to do;

Pull your pants down to your ankles. If you are a female wearing a dress, pull it up to about your chin, and use your chin to hold it there. You’ll be looking down. The most important objective is just to make sure all clothing is out of the way.

Undo the tapes of your diaper. After you’ve done this, take the diaper and fold it up. Put it into a paper sandwich bag or a colorful plastic bag. Never use clear. This is to avoid embarrassment. Clean yourself carefully. Try as much as you can to do it over the toilet to catch mess or accidents.

Now, apply any necessary cream but do not powder just yet. Take the clean diaper and open it up. Make sure the tabs are in the back. When you’ve gotten that part down, put the back part of the diaper in back going two inches above the tail bone. It is fine if it is slightly under two inches but not two much. Keep a hand or both hands on the back of the diaper to keep it from moving or sliding out of place. Then bring them to the tabs putting the tabbed parts around your waste. Move both hands to one side and fasten the tabs on that side. Then do the same for the other. Squeeze small amounts of powder down the front and back of the diaper. Fasten your clothes. Then, you are done.

I hope that this was a helpful guide. Don’t worry I’ll be covering more on the issues of incontinence. This is your source of information that will provide you with the best possible answers so you’ll not have to go asking around. Save yourself the embarrassment.

Karla News

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