Categories: Beauty

How to Whiten Your Teeth Without Emptying Your Wallet

Many people suffer from yellowed teeth. But, you don’t have to anymore. Teeth whitening products can be expensive, but there is an alternative that won’t even put a dent in your budget. In fact, it will only run you about 50 cents per month, which is highly affordable for most. Following the directions below, you can make your own whitening product and learn how to get the most out of it. I have used this method for years, long before the increased marketing of whitening products. I have never had a problem with yellow teeth since I started this. When I started I was a heavy Mountain Dew drinker (and still am). My teeth would often be stained yellow. Now that is no longer a problem.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Small plastic cup (Medicine cups work great)
Baking Soda

Usage Instructions:
Get all of the above supplies out. Fill the cup halfway with warm water. Fill the rest with hydrogen peroxide. Dip your toothbrush into the hydrogen peroxide mixture. Next, dip it into the baking soda. Brush your teeth with this as you would normally brush your teeth. Don’t scrub too hard, as the baking soda scrubs for you. Once you have finished brushing, rinse your mouth out with the remainder of the peroxide/water solution a little at a time. Swish the solution around between your teeth, under your tongue, and between your lips and teeth. Do it for about 30 seconds per mouthful.

The first time you do this expect to have plenty of bubbling action going on with the peroxide. It will seem as though you are foaming at the mouth, but trust me, it’s completely okay. Peroxide does not give you rabies. With each mouthful the bubbling will decrease. This bubbling action means that the peroxide is doing its job, which is to kill germs. Peroxide also acts as a bleaching agent. In fact, it is usually the main ingredient in most teeth whitening products, whether they are over the counter or used in dental offices.

The brushing part of the regimen should be done at least once per day. You can alternate it with your favorite toothpaste. If you have sensitive teeth, you may opt to just use the baking soda/peroxide and not use a toothpaste at all. Either is fine.

Repeat the rinse regimen in place of your normal mouthwash. It can be done up to twice daily.

Many people will see results immediately. The condition of your teeth will improve over time with continued use. For extremely yellowed teeth, such as those of smokers or coffee drinkers, it may take more than one usage before there are visible results. Since hydrogen peroxide can be purchased at a very low cost, generally around 50 cents or less, this will be a regimen that can be maintained easily. It is also a simple one that can be done in just a few minutes, no longer than your normal brushing routine.

As with any mouth rinse, Hydrogen Peroxide can be harmful if swallowed. If it is swallowed, contact a poison control center immediately. Neither the author , nor AC claims responsibility for any adverse reactions associated with using the above-mentioned advice. No advice can replace that of your health care provider. Always seek the advice of a licensed medical professional before starting any health regimen.

Additional Resources:
For more uses for hydrogen peroxide, visit this link : “10 Mostly Unknown Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide”

Karla News

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