Karla News

How to Tell If Your Baby Has a Soy Allergy

Baby Food Allergies

Oftentimes when thinking of baby formula allergies, parents may think of cow’s milk baby formula. Did you know that babies can also be allergic to soy baby formula? In fact, if an infant is allergic to cow’s milk, there is an increased risk of that baby having a soy allergy as well. Perhaps my experience as a mother of more than one child who experienced soy allergies can help you learn how to tell if your baby has a soy allergy.

Information found on the KidsHealth.org website states that the American Academy of Pediatrics purports a significant amount of babies with cow’s milk allergies to have soy milk allergies as well. That definitely falls in line with my experiences. The first time one of my babies experienced an allergy to cow’s milk formula, soy baby formula was recommended. She turned out to be allergic to that as well. Each subsequent child with a cow’s milk allergy also had an allergy to soy milk. Even though my situation dealt with soy baby formula, breastfeeding moms who consume soy should also be aware of soy allergies in babies.

To tell if your baby has a soy allergy, pay attention to feeding habits. It is much the same as figuring out if your baby has a cow’s milk allergy or is lactose intolerant. Some of the common symptoms of a soy allergy in infant can include asthma, dermatitis or eczema, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pains, nausea, and many more. Much like any other food allergy, the symptoms may depend on the individual or the severity of the allergy. In rare, but severe cases, anaphylaxis may occur.

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Remember that some of these symptoms can also indicate or other issues or may be unrelated to the baby’s diet at all. The only way to tell for sure that your baby has a soy allergy is to have it diagnosed by a pediatrician. However, observing the baby’s actions can help you father information that will help tell the pediatrician if your baby has a soy allergy. Therefore, even though you cannot accurately diagnose the allergy yourself, it is still important that you keep track of baby’s symptoms and habits.

In some cases, it will be easy for you to tell if your baby might have a soy allergy. The symptoms might be so obvious that you know something has to be wrong. Also keep in mind that a gassy baby or one that is frequently fussy doesn’t always indicate colic. It could be a food allergy. It can help to look for the symptoms to occur shortly after feedings. They don’t always happen like that, but if symptoms are generally appearing after feedings, that can be a good indicator that you’re dealing with a soy allergy.

— Note that the author is not a licensed medical professional. The above is provided for informational purposes. Always consult a licensed medical professional for any advice pertaining to health matters.




