How to Switch Career Fields

Human beings are creatures of habit, which is why change is often difficult for us. As far as careers go, the goal is usually to obtain as much education as possible in a particular field, and to remain in that field until retirement. Of course, things don’t always work out as we plan them, so what happens when you are suddenly in need of a career transition? Switching career fields can be stressful, but here are a few tips on how to make a career transition smoother.

How to Switch Career Fields: Be Prepared for a Salary Cut

Depending on how long you have worked in your current career field, you have probably moved up the salary ranks over the years. When you suddenly make a career transition, you are essentially starting out at the bottom of an entirely new field. If you can find one that is similar to your current career, the pay cut might not be as devastating. Still, you’ll have to figure out a way to change your lifestyle to accommodate less income while you transition.

How to Switch Career Fields: Make a Positive Career Transition

You might be tempted to transition into a career that is currently “hot” or lucrative. Before you make any rash decisions, however, make sure the new field is something you’re interested in. You won’t want to make career transitions more than once in your life, so be sure you know it’s what you want to do. Check out books, read about it on the Internet and talk to people who are already working in that career path before transitioning into it.

How to Switch Career Fields: Brush Up on Your Interview Skills

When you make a career transition, you have to remember that the job hunt you used to dread is not once again at hand. You’ll have to send out resumes, interview for positions and start looking at entry-level positions, just like you did years ago for your current career field. Check out for tips and advice on interviewing and other job-searching information.

How to Switch Career Fields: Get Motivated

If the reason for your career transition is because you were laid off due to a lack of demand in your old career, try not to fall into depression. Think of this as an opportunity to learn a new trade and to try your hand at something new rather than a negative thing. Career transitions are always difficult, but certainly not impossible, no matter what age or experience level you are. Again, try looking at jobs that truly interest you so you’re excited about the new job hunt.

How to Switch Career Fields: Go Back to School

They say that it’s never too late to go back to school, and if you can afford to work only part-time, you might consider taking new courses at your local community college or university. Going to school is a great way to try out new aspects of career fields and to decide what you like best. It will also show future employers initiative in trying to learn everything you can about a new career path.


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