How to Survive a Toxic Work Environment

Being a part of the nine to five grind carries its own stressors. In addition to the ritual of commuting be it by car, train or bus, dealing with traffic, gas prices, and then only to arrive to what is a soul sucking environment is very unhealthy. A while back there was a magazine article that discussed how most Americans hate their job.

In fact many Americans are downsizing and leaving toxic work environments and are returning to their true passions in life. That is a wonder ideal – and idea but the fact is that everyone is not in a position to leave their bread and butter job, particularly if there are little ones involved that require the necessities of life. So how exactly does one survive a toxic work environment?

Some people are opting for early retirements or packages that offer an early out severance pay with temporary benefits for resignation. If you work at a company, or own a company that is toxic, and you are either too young, or simply don’t qualify for one of these options you need a plan. If you are stressed, hostile, and short-tempered and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, it may be that you need a few tips for surviving a toxic work environment.

Tip 1 For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment – In most work places there is a clique of people that generally are the trouble makers and tend to gossip. One of the first tips for surviving a toxic work environment – steer clear of them. Where it may seem difficult, it really is not. Simply excuse yourself. Work is work. Keep it business and don’t make it personal that way no one can cross that boundary and get too personal with you.

Tip 2 For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment – The next tip for surviving a toxic work environment and that is to establish boundaries immediately and maintain them. Where not socializing with work colleagues may seem unfriendly or snobbish, if you work in a toxic environment, the less contact the better. In organization where cliques gossip and create negative situations, the situation just seems to fester. Do you really need any more grief?

Tip 3 For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment – Keep your personal business private. NO EXCEPTIONS! Where this may seem extreme in the long run it is to your benefit and you will be glad that you did. This simply keeps life simple, the workplace simple, and protects you and your family from being subjected to unnecessary nonsense. Consider privacy a form of protection.

Tip 4 For Surviving a Toxic Work Environment- Try not to buy into the negative hype in the workplace. Either you can do something about it or you can’t. Why complain and create more negative energy. It will only make you feel worse and it definitely cannot help the situation.

Tip 5 For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment – If conditions become intolerable and your health, self esteem, and the peace of your soul are disturbed, get a clue. It is time to get a plan – an exit plan. There are other places to work no matter how long you have been there and no matter how much money you make. If your health and emotional stability are being effected it’s not such a great job after all.

Tip 6 For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment – Use your time wisely and scout out other opportunities. Consider making your favorite hobby a career. Take the time to sit down and make a list of the things you like to do and the things you are good at. You may well find that you can carve a career out of these things.

Tip 7 For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment – Assess where you stand in terms of your career path. Seriously consider if more education is what you need consider retooling your skills or going back to school to further your skills. When you have a positive distraction, the negative things are not so visible.

Tip 8 For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment – Always remember that you are an individual and you are marketable.

Tip 9 For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment – Have a definite method of destressing. Have a regular exercise program, go dancing, enjoy your personal time away from work and don’t talk or think about work when not at work.

Tip 9 For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment – ” Plan your work and work your plan.” – “Author unknown.

Karla News

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