Categories: Books

How to Respond to False Accusations

We’ve all experienced it. You know, snide comments, public rebuke, and out and out false accusations. It stings, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, the natural response to false accusations is to lash out, especially when there is absolutely no truth to the accusation. I suggest taking the high road instead. Here’s how to do just that:

Determine whether or not to respond. At times it may be necessary to respond to a false accusation, especially if a lack of response may result in some type of negative consequence, such as the loss of a job. Other times it’s best to just let it go. One positive benefit of taking the time to determine whether or not to respond is that time gives you an opportunity to get your emotions under control, which can help you do the next thing:

Defend in a calm manner. If you do need to defend yourself against false accusations, be calm about it. Keep your emotions under control. Losing your cool makes you look like a fool, but a controlled response will. . .

Allow the strength of your character to shine. When people hear bad things about you, they will wonder whether or not they are true. An unfortunate attribute of human nature is to believe gossip. However, if you are truly a person of character, that will become obvious to people over time. Although false accusations make it possible for your reputation to be tarnished for a short period of time, continuing to do the right thing will, in the long run, allow the strength of your character to shine.

Repay good for evil. Although I certainly don’t do it perfectly, especially when being falsely accused, I do my best to live by the following words found in Romans 12:17-21, “Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. . . if your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Following this advice will help you to never stoop to the accuser’s level.

Apologize and ask for forgiveness when you’re wrong. None of us are perfect all the time. We all mess up, respond inappropriately, and at times give in to temptation to do the wrong thing. When that happens, admit it, apologize, and ask for forgiveness. And remember, whether or not the person forgives you is not your problem!

Let it go. We can stew about the false accusations against us, or we can let them go. If you stew about it, you are in essence giving the accuser a certain amount of control over you. In contrast, if you let it go, you’ll experience freedom and be able to enjoy the good things in your life, free (or at least almost free!) from the sting of false accusations.

Karla News

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