Categories: SPORTS

How to Report a UFO Sighting to the National UFO Reporting Center

The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) provides an online reporting form that is quick and easy to complete. It is not necessary to include your name, but does require your location. Before you submit that report, take a few moments to organize your thoughts and to document what you actually observed.

Time: Take note of the time of your sighting. Be as specific as possible. If you do not know the exact time, try to narrow down the time. Was the sighting during your travel home from a night time event? What time did the event end? When did you arrive home? Be sure to indicate your time zone when reporting the time of the event.

Duration: How long was the UFO visible? Think carefully about other things that happened during this time for clues to the duration of the event. Was a song playing on the radio? Did it last longer than the song? Did you notice the UFO during a television commercial? Were the commercials still playing when the UFO disappeared? If you are not sure, try using a stop watch as you recreate the event. You may be surprised to discover how long even a minute can seem when you are observing something out of the ordinary Try to estimate the time as accurately as possible.

Sounds: Think carefully about what you heard during the event. Was there a steady hum? A snap of electricity? Did you hear a whoosh of air or was it complete silence?

Physical description: It is important to be as descriptive as possible when making a report. What did this object look like? Describe the shape and color of the UFO. Could you see a solid form or was it simply a light? Did it have clearly defined borders or was it a soft fuzzy light? Describe any color or shape changes.

Size: Estimating the size of an object can be tricky. It is often difficult to know how far away the UFO is, making it almost impossible to determine the size. Did the object disappear behind other objects? Did it pass behind or in front of the clouds? Did it pass in front of trees, buildings, or mountains in the distance? If you can determine the distance, you will be better able to determine the size. Use your surroundings to make good predictions of the size of the object.

Movement: Your UFO report should describe in detail the movement of the UFO. What direction were you facing when you observed the UFO? What direction was it traveling in? Did it move in a straight line or did it change directions? Was the path of the object a smooth even path or did it wobble or zigzag through the sky? Did it suddenly dart to another location or disappear altogether? How fast was it moving? Was it faster or slower that an airplane traveling the same path?

Surroundings: When reporting your UFO sighting, it is important to describe your surroundings in detail. Were you on an old country road miles from civilization or did you observe from a highly populated area? Were you relaxing on the back deck or enjoying an outdoor concert? Was it broad daylight or total darkness?

Sensations: If animals were present, how did they react? Did your dog suddenly go into a barking frenzy or did his hair bristle on his back? Describe any sensations you experienced during the event. Did you feel an electrical pulse or vibrations? Did you notice any disturbances with electrical equipment or any distortions of time? These are all important details to include in your report of the event.

Weather: Describe the current weather conditions in your UFO report. Include the temperature, seasons, and precipitation. Was it a sweltering July evening without a trace of a breeze or were you fighting the effects of brisk fall winds?

Personally Relevant Information: What knowledge do you have that makes you a reliable source? Perhaps you are a pilot or military personnel who recognizes a variety of aircrafts. Perhaps you are police officer or a detective who is specially trained to observe details. Maybe you are an avid stargazer and are familiar with the night sky. Or maybe you have observed the sky from your own backyard every night for the past ten years and have never seen anything like this before.

Other witnesses: If others observed this UFO, include this in your report. If they have special skills or backgrounds that make them a reliable witness, include that info in your UFO report.

Evidence: Did you manage to snap a picture of this UFO? Did you get it on video? Photographic or video evidence will enhance your credibility and your report.

Generally, the more details you can provide in your report, the more reliable it will become. Remember the reader wants to know as much as possible about what you saw and experienced.

The National UFO Reporting Center operates a site designed specifically for the purpose of reporting UFOs. To report your own sighting or to read the reports of others, visit NUFORC.


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