Categories: Pets

How to Properly Care for a Puggle

Are you looking to find a fun, energetic, loving, cuddling puppy that would be perfect for you and your family? Do you seem to be having a hard time finding the perfect family dog? Well, you’re in luck, because I know the perfect dog for your family: a Puggle.

Puggles are fun, loving, energetic dogs that are cross breed between a pug and a beagle, which means they have the energy of a beagle, but the cuddly loving side of a pug. Puggles are a short haired dog with a brown or black shiny coat of fur. Puggles have short stubby legs, a muscular built body with a small cute curly tail, floppy long ears, and a cute wrinkled face. Puggles usually weigh in between ten and thirty five pounds and are a medium size dog. They don’t usually get very big like most dogs, which makes them great dogs to have as family pets.

If you decide to get a puggle as a pet you will need to walk him or her every day for about thirty minutes, and you will need to play with your puggle as much as you can. Puggles have tons of energy they need to work off during the day. Puggles also can be much laid back and love to snuggle and cuddle with you at night time because they are very affectionate dogs and love attention and being there with you. There very people person dogs.

When feeding your puggle it is best to feed them all natural dog food, some meat, and some veggies to round out a well balanced diet for them. Foods that are dangerous to them are chocolate and fruits containing pits and seeds because they are poisonous to dogs. Puggles also need a lot of water during the day so always keep a couple of water dishes around the house. If you want to give treats to your puggle milk bones, bacon strips, dog biscuits, dog cookies, and peanut butter cookies are great to give them. If you find you puggle is sluggish some days give them a starburst candy, it wont harm them any, but it will give them just the right amount of sugar and energy.

Some things you need to watch out for when having a puggle are poisonous and dangerous items around your home because puggles are very curious dogs and will get into anything. Things that are extremely deadly to puggles and any dogs are medicines containing acetaminophen, boric acid, which is in tooth pastes and mouthwashes, poisonous house plants, and anti freeze. Make sure any item that is deadly to any pet not just puggles are out of the animals reach.

If you’re trying to train a puggle it shouldn’t be very hard to do because they listen very well when you tell them to do something. Examples would be to sit, roll over, shake, come here, stay, leave it, and where is your toy. Also teaching your puggle to go to the bathroom outside can be hard to teach them, but can be done if you stay positive towards them when they do start going to the bathroom outside and begin rewarding them with treats when they have done well.

Now if you have a sick puggle make sure you give them plenty of water, food and allow them to rest. If you find your puggle not drinking anything try giving them some PowerAde or Gatorade because it will help get some electrolytes back into your pup. If you find you puggle really not doing so well take them to the vet immediately for proper treatment.

Some great items to have for your puggle are cooling dog mats for when it’s hot out, dog toys, a doggie bed, a crate, a leash, a runner, multiple water dishes, doggie vitamins, a collar with his or her name and address on it, flea protector, and a safety seat belt made for dogs for when you travel. Also when you travel you want to make sure you bring bottled water, food, food dishes, and a leash.

You should know some basic information if you decide to get a puggle as a pet. If you feel you need more information there are some really awesome Web sites to check out online or you can check out the links attached to my page. Good luck with your new pet puggle if you get one.



Karla News

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