Categories: Books

How to Prepare and Use a Crystal Ball for Fortune-Telling

Crystal balls intended for fortune-telling are usually made of either clear quartz crystal or obsidian. Getting a crystal ball today is far easier than it used to be. As with everything from comic books to a person’s soul, you can purchase a crystal ball off eBay. Whether you pick up your crystal ball for gazing into either your future of the future of someone else for ten bucks at the local flea market or for 300 bucks off the internet, the first thing you need to do when you get it home is to wash it thoroughly by running it under tap water and then gently patting it dry with a cloth. It is best to them engage in a ritual designed for purification of your crystal ball. This ritual typically involves little more than placing it in a safe spot during a full moon so that the lunar illumination falls upon it.

Only after that should you actually get down to the brass tacks of using your crystal ball. How does one go about engaging in this form of foretelling the future? You begin by forming very definite questions that you want answered. Simplicity combined with a lack of any ambiguity is the key. In other words, pare down the question to which you are seeking to its most simplistic elegance. This means no question likes “Who will I marry?” or “What should I do about a problem I’m having at work?” Instead, you should ask “Will I marry anyone who is in one of my college classes?” Better yet is to be completely direct: “Will I marry Guy Incognito who current resides at at 123 Highland Avenue in North Haverbrook, Maine?” As for the problem at work, try something like this: “Should I tell my boss that I saw Rex Banner drinking vodka at his desk even though Rex is my immediate superior and he will probably be believed over me?” Can’t get a whole lot more specific than that. Unless you try. And you should try. Many crystal ball readers request that their clients actually write the question down. They will then place the crystal ball like a paperweight on top of the question.

Next comes the actual gazing process. You will need to reach a state of Zen consciousness in which you have allowed your mind to go blank. Often this will require a period of learning how to meditate before you proceed to trying to use the crystal ball. One way to do this without going through all that trouble is simply to concentrate on your breathing. You may need to either open your eyes and look off in the distance, or close your eyes. However you get to that state of relaxation doesn’t matter as long as you can achieve it.

As you near the successful completion of this process, you will need to open your eyes and gaze into the crystal. If you have done it correctly, a mist will appear to swirl within your ball. This mist may seem to be forming distinguishable patterns, but don’t attempt to read anything into them just yet. Gradually, your eye will begin to discern even clearer images that actually form into images or signs. Only at this point should you begin to interpret what you see into an answer to your question. Indeed, many fortune-tellers who have used the crystal ball could almost be more accurately termed dream interpreters because they look not for prosaic and mundane images, but for symbolic images that must be further interpreted in relation to the question at hand. This is not a necessity, of course. Others look for concrete imagery within the crystal. It may take long hours of practice before you can even begin to determine if what you are looking for are signs that are figurative or literal. And then it will probably take a good length of time afterward to learn how to interpret these signs accurately so that you can apply them to your questions.

Karla News

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