Categories: Shopping & Fashion

How to Make Your Own Purse Pattern

Ever see a purse you love in the window of a department store? You can make your own purse pattern for free using a few simple steps.

You will have the most luck sewing your own purse pattern if you have sewn before. After Sewing a number of store bought purse patterns, I have had greater luck creating my own.

How to Make a Purse Pattern: The Sketch

When I first start designing my own purse patterns I always start with a sketch. Try to work with a photo of the piece that inspired you. This will help with the lines and be a vital part of planning later.

Sketch out the purse you want to make to size. This is no time for a small sketch. You want to make sure it looks like you want it to in person on paper. I like to work in pencil first, this way changes can be made as needed.

Now, you also want to draw the purse flat. This is easy for the body of the purse. For the handles, draw them as if they were laying flat. No side views.

Once you are satisfied with your sketch and like the size, then outline the purse with a black Sharpie marker.

How to Make a Purse Pattern: Sizing and Cutting the Pattern

Now, you have your basic purse shape and design, it is time to cut it out and size it. Now, most purse patterns have a ½ inch or 3/8’s inch seam allowance. So, what does this mean to you?

This means you need to make your pattern between ½ inch to 3/8’s inches bigger on all sides to accommodate the size you will lose when sewing. So , choose your seam allowance and stick to it.

To do this I like to go ahead and cut out each piece of the purse, then lay them back onto a sheet of fresh paper and retrace them slightly larger on all sides to allow for this seam. These are the final pattern I cut out and keep.

Now, more tips on cutting. If you have ever sewn a purse, you will realize in most cases the handles are made separate from the body of the purse.

Use a purse you have admired the past and like the process or the inspiration photo to determine where the handles need to be cut.

Do this before that final tracing where you add the seam allowance on.

How to Design a Purse Pattern: Cutting out and assembling

You are now ready to cut out your purse pattern on some practice fabric, like inexpensive muslin, and give it a go.


The first few times I made my own purse patterns, I simply used patterns I loved and had already sewn together. I started changing the dimensions of the purse, lengthening the straps and so forth.

Before I knew it, it was rather easy to look at an inspiration purse in a window and see how it could be sewn together. Start small if you are intimidated. Use your favorite purse pattern you bought at the store and alter it.

Before you know it you will be creating and designing your own purse patterns as well.


Karla News

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